Joy of the Family
September 2021
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
The month of September is dedicated to the Seven Sorrows of Mary. Take time to learn more about the Seven Sorrows Devotions, and take time to pray the Seven Sorrows prayer here.
Other things to celebrate in September...The Nativity/Birthday of the Blessed Virgin Mary 9/8, Grandparents Day 9/12, The Exaltation of the Holy Cross 9/14, Catechetical Sunday 9/19, St. Matthew 9/21, Priesthood Sunday 9/26, St. Vincent de Paul 9/27 and the Archangels 9/29, to name a few!
This month also marks the 20th anniversary of the attacks of September 11. Let us remember all those who lost their lives on that day. Share your memories with someone too young to remember. Here is a special prayer to pray together with your family and loved ones.
May God's Mercy and Peace be with you,
Cathy, Deacon Louie, Beth, Liliana, Andy, Erika, Cindy and Rosario
Please share this email with anyone and everyone!
Together let us build, unite and grow our Church.
Enjoy this Message from Pope Francis
in this year of Amoris Laetitia
New from the Office of Marriage, Family Life, Faith Formation and Youth Ministry
“Belong, Believe, Become is a concept of relationship-driven evangelization ministry that has, at its heart, the idea that true conversion begins when an individual is deeply connected to the parish community through committed relationships built on formation in the faith that is authentic, intentional, and accompanied, culminating in a community where every disciple is a missionary,” according Andy Baker, the diocese’s youth and young adult ministry coordinator.
Author: Beth Zanotelli, Family Life Coordinator for the Diocese of Palm Beach
The Diocese of Palm Beach presents:
Families Rooted in Faith
from the Ruah Woods Press "Rooted" Curriculum
Be a Part of These Amazing
September Events:
The FREE Reclaiming Faith and Family Conference is about learning how to best evangelize those closest to you. Learn more about the conference and speakers HERE
Join Bishop Gerald M. Barbarito and other renown Catholic speakers for a Joyful call to pilgrimage to
the heart of St. Joseph!
From the Office of Vocations
September 26, 2021 is Priesthood Sunday
Scholarship Available for Catholic Laity
Each year Catholic Life Insurance is proud to offer two scholarships worth $2,000 each through the Msgr. Larry J. Droll Scholarship Fund. Applications are now being accepted. This scholarship assists Catholic laymen and women in pursuing graduate degrees that will help them qualify for professional positions in parish and diocesan ministry. For more information call 1-800-262-2548. The deadline to apply is September 13, 2021.
More Resources for Faith Formation and Family Life...
Be Inspired and Inspire Others with these Catholics Come Home Videos
Discover the history, beauty, spirituality and accomplishments of the Catholic Church, founded by Jesus Christ more than 2,000 years ago.
We are Catholic.
Welcome home.
The Catholic Church has been devoted to spreading truth since she was founded by Christ 2,000 years ago. Learn in this video about "Evangelization". Pray that Christ will lead you to find truth, and that your heart will be open to the truth wherever you may find it.
Free Resources
for the Diocese of Palm Beach
Is there an area of your life where you feel stuck? Or is there someone you are unable to forgive? Are you consumed by negative feelings of anxiety, fear, or helplessness? Unbound ministry can help you find the freedom that Christ won for you on the cross.
Call 561-775-9524 for a confidential prayer appointment.
Please read, share and forward this e-newsletter to your friends, family and neighbors. Look for more resources, opportunities and celebrations of our faith in the future.
Inspire our actions Lord, and accompany them with your help so that our every word and action may always begin and end in you.
Excerpted from Roman Missal, ICEL
9995 North Military Trail, Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410