DVOMB Sunset Review
December 2020
The DVOMB staff received notice by the Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies (DORA) that the sunset review process has officially started for the DVOMB. Analysis in a sunset review is performed to determine whether the regulatory program is necessary and should be continued, modified or eliminated. This review will produce a report with recommendations to the Colorado General Assembly and result in subsequent legislation based on the recommendations in the report. 

The analyst assigned to conduct the review of the DVOMB is Vivienne Belmont ([email protected]). She may be contacting you as a Board member to gather information about your experience as an appointed member and may seek your input. Additionally, you will likely see Vivienne at future Board and committee meetings.

The staff will be posting a message on the website for stakeholders to contribute their comments about the DVOMB. Until then, you can also refer your stakeholders to the following website: COPRRR's website.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me.


Jesse Hansen, MPA
(he, him, his)
Program Coordinator
Office of Domestic Violence and Sex Offender Management
Phone 720.810.5426 | Email [email protected]