Darien High School Parent News
Published by the DHS Parents' Association
5 - DHSPA Jr/Sr Coffee, 9:30am in the DHS Stadium (rain location, Auditorium)
5 - Extracurricular Commitment Forum - 7pm-8pm, Auditorium
8 - PLC Day (2 hour delay)
13 - PSAT Day (Modified Schedule)
13 - Extracurricular Commitment Forum - 7pm-8pm, Auditorium
16 - Homecoming
22 - PLC Day (2 Hour Delay)
23 - ACT at DHS
29 - Quarter 1 Ends

Last week was a busy one at DHS. On Monday, we hosted our first DHSPA meeting of the school year, Meet Your Team at DHS. which we were thrilled to have in person.  
Thank you to our Programs Co-Chairs, Melissa Williams and Sarah Neumann, who organized this great program for parents.  Thanks also goes to Christina Passeretti, our Hospitality Chair, for providing coffee and snacks, and to our Spirit Wear team of: Sara Young, Kelly Scallon, Kim O'Hoppe, Amy Warnock and Daphne Procopion, who organized another great sale that morning.
On Wednesday, the Clubs and Activities Fair was held during the lunch waves. With over 45 clubs, hopefully many students were able to find a club that appealed to their interests, as clubs are a great way to get involved at DHS. Thank you to our committee co-chairs: Suzanne Domenici and Lauren Moir, and Kim Kennedy, Michele Treacy and Kerrie Kelly, who helped things run smoothly during the fair. We appreciate all of your efforts to support the DHS community.
Leila Buckjune and Antoinette Cowles, DHSPA co-chairs

All students who plan to participate in any extracurricular activities at DHS are required to attend one Extracurricular Participation Meeting accompanied by a parent.
The remaining dates for 10th grade families to sign up for an Extracurricular Participation Meeting are October 5th and October 13th. All meetings will be held from 7 pm – 8 pm in the auditorium. Please use this link to sign up.
Information regarding 11th and 12th grade participation requirements will be announced soon.

The PSAT will be offered to 10th and 11th graders at DHS on Wednesday, October 13th. This is an OPTIONAL test. The cost is $18 and payment can be completed through School Cash. Once a student is paid through SchoolCash, they are "registered" for the test. Registration will remain open through October 6th. After this time, registrations can only be accepted on a waitlist basis, pending materials availability. Details about the schedule for the day will be sent in the coming weeks. Please reach out to your school counselor with any questions.

Additional instructions for students taking the PSAT:
·      All students should bring several sharpened #2 pencils, a College Board approved calculator, and snacks/drinks for the breaks.
·      Students testing with extended time are not allowed to stop for lunch, per College Board regulations. Students should bring sufficient food/drink to eat on the breaks to last most of the day. 
·      Students who have been approved by College Board for accommodations will automatically receive these accommodations on the PSAT. If you wish to USE your College Board approved accommodations, no further action is required. If you would like to OPT OUT of your accommodations, a parent needs to email Ms. Emanuelson at MEmanuelson@darienps.org no later than 10/10.

Modified Schedule for 10/13
We will be administering the PSAT (optional for 10th and 11th graders) on Wednesday, October 13th and will have a modified schedule for the day. All students will report to afternoon classes according to the schedule below.  

Transportation on 10/13:
There will be a regular AM bus run to bring 10th and 11th graders who are testing to school.
There will be a later bus run (+4.5 hours later than the usual morning pickup time) to bring anyone not testing to school for afternoon classes. Please note: First View is not available for this bus run.
There will be a regular PM bus run to bring all students home after school. 

Schedule for 10/13:
PSAT Testing - 7:40-11:30 (regular time)
Lunch - 11:30-12:00 (students who test)

Students not testing are asked to please arrive no later than 12pm. Students not testing are asked to eat lunch at home as lunch will not be provided to students not testing.

Afternoon class schedule:
Period 1 - 12:05-12:35
Period 7 - 12:40 -1:10
Period 3 - 1:15 - 1:45
Period 5 - 1:50-2:20

AP exam registration is now open. In order to register for AP exams, please visit www.totalregistration.net/ap/070145. Each exam is $100. Students will need to complete two steps in order for us to order an AP exam: (1) registration and payment in Total Registration, and (2) enrollment in the AP Classroom for each course you are taking an exam in. The last day to order an exam for full-year courses without incurring a late fee is November 8th. After this time, the College Board will assess a $40 PER EXAM late fee. Please reach out to your school counselor with any questions.

As a reminder, transcript requests forms need to be submitted to the Guidance Office AT LEAST 30 days prior to the first deadline.  

It’s that time of year to order your 2022 DHS yearbook. The members of the yearbook staff are working hard to make this an exceptional yearbook so order now.
Senior Yearbook* (before or by 01/21/2022): $75.00
Underclassman Yearbook (before or by 01/21/2022): $75.00
Underclassman Yearbook with personalization (before or by 01/21/2022): $82.00 
*All senior yearbook orders will receive a free personalization of their name on the cover of the yearbook courtesy of the Darien Yearbook Club.  

You can place an order by clicking HERE.
Please remember to keep a copy of your order number.
The Yearbook Club does not want anyone to go without a yearbook due to financial reasons. If you need assistance, please contact your school counselor.

Create a senior ad for the 2020 DHS yearbook using our online Ad Creation. A visual tutorial will walk you through the process to create a professional looking design. If needed, you can contact technical support at 877.362.7750 or email techadviser@herffjones.com

Ad options if ordered by or before or by 11.01.2021:
Full page: $400
Half page: $225
Quarter page: $120
Eighth page: $68
Ad options if ordered after 11.01.2021:
Full page: $440
Half page: $265
Quarter page: $160
Eighth page: $108

Go to yearbookordercenter.com, enter code 4503, and click on BUY A YEARBOOK AD.

Other helpful links:
Submission Guidelines for Darien High School Parent News

  • Please send your submission in the text of your e-mail, single spaced and left adjusted (no formatting), with "DPN SUBMISSION" in the subject line to dhs.dpn@gmail.com. Download files, attachments or formatted text are not accepted.
  • Submissions must be event-driven, age-appropriate and relevant to Darien High School. We will not include advertisements or fundraisers for businesses or community organizations.
  • Deadline for DPN submissions is Friday at noon.
  • Please include a contact name and e-mail address in the text of your submission for questions we may have.
  • Texts may be edited and submission does not guarantee publication.
  • Due to the significant increase in social media publicity for community organizations, the DHSPA will post information specific to the DHSPA, Darien High School, the CDSP (Council of Darien School Parents), or the Darien Public School District only. Please add to the subject line "FACEBOOK/INSTAGRAM POST" when submitting your event or post.

With many thanks from the DPN editors Beth Lane, Sarah Neumann, Denise Krueger, Marli Hayes, Hope Barton & Carolina McGoey.