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Submission Deadline 11:59 PM Sunday Night

“For all its imperfections, America is still the beacon to the world, an ideal to be realized, a promise to be kept. President Joseph Biden

Democratic Party of Torrance County Newsletter   February 27, 2023

Dear Democrats,

Here’s an interesting observation made by author Mark Twain:

“If you collect 100 black ants and 100 fire ants, and put them in a jar, nothing will happen. But if you take the jar, shake it violently, and leave it on a table, the ants will start killing each other. Red believes the black is the enemy, while black believes the red is the enemy, while the real enemy is the person who shook the jar.


The same is true in society. Men versus women, black versus white, faith versus science, young versus old, etcetera. Before we fight each other, we must ask ourselves, who shook the jar?”

As we begin to organize for our efforts in the 2024 election cycle, we need to take a stand against those who would shake the jar and see to it that they do not get elected to positions of power.


In accordance with DPNM rules, calls are hereby issued for the Democratic Party of Torrance County Ward/Precinct Meetings at 11 AM, and the County Central Committee (CCC) Meeting at 1 PM, on March 25, 2023 at East Torrance Soil and Water Conservation District, 701 10th Street, Estancia, NM. Lunch Provided. Purpose of the meetings are to elect Precinct, Ward and County Officers and additional CCC members. More info at

More info at

Party Organization 101

This is the ninth in a series of articles we’re running, focusing on the roles that people interested in helping the county party might consider stepping into. If you missed any of the previous articles you can access back issues of the Blue Beacon by going to the Blue Beacon link on our website,

In addition to community involvement and the bidirectional communication aspects of the Ward Chair’s responsibilities, a Ward Chair serves as a member of the county party’s Executive Committee. Consisting of all the Ward Chairs and the four county officers, the Executive Committee is largely an advisory body with no specific authority aside from specific duties that the County Chair might designate or that the County Central Committee might place on it. Although the party Rules don’t mandate any particular frequency for its meetings, quarterly meetings are usually considered to be a minimum.

The Ward Chair is also usually the ward’s representative on the County Rules Committee. That committee is charged with developing and/or modifying the County Rules to be approved by the County Central Committee. The Rules Committee also serves as a judicial body to settle internal disciplinary issues. It’s not required that the Ward Chair serve on the Rules Committee. They may choose to defer that position to another member of the ward, but if the ward does not choose to elect a different representative at the biennial meeting to elect ward and precinct officers, the Ward Chair becomes the ward’s representative by default.

Next week we’ll focus on the County Chair and County Vice Chair, and their specific roles and duties.

Commission and Council Meetings

Put this on your calendar.jpg

Torrance County Commission

Meeting March 8, 2023, 9 AM

205 S. Ninth Street, Estancia, NM

meeting is available via Zoom


City Council

2nd & 4th Wednesday

Moriarty Civic Center

201 Broadway Street

7:30 PM


Board of Trustees

1st & 3rd Monday

Estancia Town Hall

513 Williams Avenue

6:15 PM


City Council

1st & 3rd Tuesday  

Council Meeting Room

107 1/2 N. Roosevelt

5:30 PM

Community Events

Moriarty News

Your Democratic Party of Torrance County Executive Committee

DPTC Chair - Dennis Wallin – [email protected]

DPTC Vice Chair - Margarita Mercure – [email protected]

DPTC Secretary - Millie Peifer – [email protected]

DPTC Treasurer - Bill Peifer – [email protected]

Ward Chairs

DPTC Ward A (Pcts 1,2,7,14 & 16) – Scott Corwin –505-985-8575 [email protected] 

DPTC Ward B (Pcts 5,13,17, 20 & 21) – Bobby Ortiz – [email protected]

DPTC Ward C (Pcts 3,4,8,9,10,11 & 12) – Jason Quintana – [email protected]

DPTC Ward D (Pcts 6,15,18,19 & 22) – Bill Peifer – [email protected]

Don't know your precinct? Click here.

Democratic Party of Torrance County Website:

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Democratic Party of Torrance County!

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Democratic Party of Torrance County

PO Box 2206, Moriarty NM 87035

(make check payable to Democratic Party of Torrance County)