If you're tired of hearing that you shouldn't drink, don’t worry, simple pleasures can still be enjoyed-all while still staying on top of your health goals.
You’ve probably also heard that the best kind of alcohol is red wine because of its heart-healthy and antioxidant benefits. While drinking 5 oz of red wine daily has anti-aging benefits, you might still want to be careful about the quality of wine you’re consuming. 
The problem with wine…
Believe it or not, a huge portion of vineyards use a chemical called glyphosate (Monsanto’s weed killer, Roundup), which is a poisonous and carcinogenic substance. It has been linked to various diseases like Lymphoma, Alzheimer’s, Autism, Brain Cancer and more. Not only that, but it decreases the quality and taste of the finished product. There have also been high levels of sulfites and heavy metals (like arsenic) found in wine. So here are some helpful guidelines for the next time you want to drink wine
1.    Avoid wine from California. That’s right! Even organic wines from California- Napa, Sonoma, etc. are contaminated and tested positive for glyphosate. The highest level came back from Cabernet Sauvignon. If possible, avoid all US and French conventional wines, as their wine tested the highest in pesticides.
2.    Look for USDA Certified Organic Wine whenever possible
3.    Best wines to drink:
·      PINOT NOIR - Pinot Noir is considered the healthiest red wine you can drink. Pinot grapes have a thin skin, so Pinot Noir has low tannins but high levels of resveratrol.
·      SAGRANTINO- A unique grape from central Italy, Sagrantino is an antioxidant-rich wine. According to a study, Sagrantino might contain the most antioxidants of any red wine out there.
·      MERLOT- Merlot has high levels of resveratrol and procyanidin which help to lower cholesterol and promote cardiovascular health.
·      CABERNET SAUVIGNON- helps to stimulate the immune system and cell health
·      MALBEC- high levels of antioxidants and has been linked to both heart health and immune health. Grown mostly in Argentina and France, Malbec grapes have a thick skin, giving this bold red wine robust tannins. 
4.    If you find yourself getting headaches, flushed or red after drinking, you may have a sensitivity to alcohol! One supplement that can counteract the effects of wine/alcohol intolerance is ‘Toleraid’ by Biotics Research It supports enzymes that break down chemicals that people are exposed to through food and the environment. 1 in 5 people actually have a chemical intolerance, so it’s important to support liver detoxification pathways

To find out if you have heavy metals or chemical sensitivities, schedule an appointment with Dr. Far to discuss more! 
for more information or to schedule an appointment
call 856-532-2063 or visit