February 21, 2022
This last month has been an absolute mess with shipping! FedEx was experiencing staff shortages throughout the country causing delays of not just hours, but days. I made the decision to halt FedEx shipping for a few weeks, and had only been shipping via air cargo. Fortunately, FedEx is back on track now. I started shipping again last week, and with only one exception, everything arrived on time and in great shape. I'm happy to say that we're back to normal with shipping. Phew!

Although I usually focus on African fish, I get drawn in by the occasional New World species. Astronotus crassipinnis, the bumblebee oscar, is (in my opinion) the most beautiful of the oscar species. Adults have a chocolate brown color with yellow-orange vertical stripes. I was able to get a group of juveniles, which show more of a spotted pattern. You can still see that the spots are aligned in vertical stripes.

A small import from Nigeria came in a couple weeks ago as well. The highlight to me is the Mastacembelus frenatus. They're all pretty good sized already around 8-10 inches, and actively eating live food (still working on adjusting to frozen and dry foods). The Brachysynodontis batensoda look great, and there are plenty of Anaspidoglanis macrostoma as well - a dwarf giraffe cat species. The word dwarf is all relative. They grow to roughly 8 inches, but that's still much smaller than the 2.5 foot size of the more common giraffe cat, Auchenoglanis occidentalis.
Like us on facebook for exclusive photos, videos, and info on expected shipments and events in the fish world.  https://www.facebook.com/davesrareaquariumfish 

Check out the list of new arrivals below, and make sure to visit www.davesfish.com for the complete availability list.
Dave Schumacher  
New Arrivals

Lake Tanganyika

Lake Malawi Peacocks and Haps

Lake Malawi Mbuna

Lake Victoria Basin Cichlids

New World Cichlids

Miscellaneous Fishes

Catfishes and Plecos

This is not a complete availability list - only new arrivals since the last newsletter. Prices and complete availability list can be found at www.davesfish.com