Please IGNORE previous newsletter (271) and read this revised newsletter (271A)

Join #GIVINGWEEK at Miraloma! Double your donation to the Annual Fund before Dec 6th.
If your child will be absent or is tardy by more than 30 minutes, please  SUBMIT THIS FORM to the school secretary. 
(No need to call the school)
FUN RUN 2016


YMCA Site Coordinator
Dragon Digest Submissions
Please submit  your news item 
by Monday 7pm  to: 

Follow us on Twitter  Like us on Facebook

One Time or Monthly!
Shop & Earn Online!

Earn $ via 
eScrip Online Mall!
Sign up for the  "Basementeers"
 for 10% off and 10% back to our school!

Mollie Stone's Community Card - up to 5% of your total store purchase to Miraloma!

FUN RUN 2016

November 30, 2016

givingtuesdayBY DEC 6: #Giving Tuesday Matching Campaign
Double your donation to the Miraloma Annual Fund now through December 6th .

Your donation matters! Your gift supports our Miraloma students, teachers, and programs. Help your child enjoy smaller classes, happier teachers, and thriving classmates.
And for one week only, your donation will be matched 100% by a group of members from our Dragon Circle donors
-- up to $15,000!

Don't miss this opportunity to double your contribution!

Please check the Lost & Found shelves this week!  Items will NOT be moved upstairs this time because it did not seem to make a difference for retrieving items. 
Lost & Found will be collected and donated December 1st.
DEC 2: First Friday Coffee Social
Join your fellow Miralomans for a cup o' joe, a pastry and some good conversation! Our First Friday Coffee Social takes place every month on the first Friday - from 8-9 am outside the Cafeteria.

Please contact the Hospitality Committee if you are interested in helping out on the Coffee Crew this year.  Read more on these monthly get-togethers.

Kathryn Shedrick & Christy Gagan
Hospitality Leads - hospitality@miralomasf.com
BY DEC 5: Register for Chinese New Year Parade
For the ninth year, Miraloma students, alums and friends are invited to join the Chung Ngai Dance Troupe in the 2017 Chinese New Year Parade for the Year of the Rooster on Saturday, February 11, 2017 in San Francisco.
Limited openings!

Please contact Susie Quan for registration form by Dec 5.
DEC 5-9: Inclusive Schools Week (ISW)!
Our Miraloma family will be celebrating Inclusive Schools Week, December 5 - 9th -- NEXT WEEK
 [ Read more]

For our theme "Champions of Inclusion: Powerful things happen in Inclusive Schools" we've planned the following activities [See last year's pictures]:
  • Mon Dec 5: Wear As Many Colorful Clothes As You Can Day + Author Todd Parr Assembly for all Students (+ book signing) 
  • Tue Dec 6: Mismatched Sock Day + Ability Awareness Stations
  • Wed Dec 7: Meet Someone New Day + Sit with someone new at lunch
  • Thu Dec 8: The More You Know Day + 5th Grade Research Presentations
  • Fri Dec 9: Dragons United Day + Wear Your Miraloma Dragon Wear
Parent help with ISW is very much needed and appreciated. Pl ease sign up for one/more ISW parent opportunities below:
  1. Ten volunteers per time slot to help with Ability Awareness Stations on Dec 6
    Sign up to VOLUNTEER!
  2. Three volunteers to help during lunch on Dec 7
     Sign up to VOLUNTEER!
Questions? Contact ISW Team of Parents & Teachers - Inclusive@miralomasf.com
Moviemask DEC 6: Free Screening of The Mask You Live In
Join the Miraloma PTA during Inclusive Schools Week for a showing & discussion of  'The Mask You Live In'  on Tue Dec 6 @ 6-8pm in the auditorium
NOTE: This movie is intended for adults. Child care provided for school age children.

This film by the Representation Project follows boys and young men as they struggle to stay true to themselves while negotiating America's narrow definition of masculinity.
Followed by a community discussion, facilitated by Rick Oculto from Our Family Coalition, to explore our own stereotypes about raising boys and girls, and ways to talk to each other and our kids about gender.

Kelley Karandjeff - programs@miralomasf.com
DEC 8: Q&A with Denman Principal Shipp
Please join Denman Principal Shipp on Tuesday December 6 @ 7:50-8:30am for a short Q&A at Miraloma. She will be accompanied by Miraloma alumni currently attending Denman Middle School. All parents are invited to join and learn more about our feeder school.
NOTE! Date change!
staffappreciationBY DEC 13: Staff Appreciation Collection
It's the giving season and we want to give thanks to the almost 40 hard working staff members whom we don't normally thank throughout the year. These are the folks who support our teachers and our school and interact with our kids every day, e.g. our custodial & lunchroom staff, the counselors, librarian, adviser, secretary, coach and many others.

If you would like to contribute, please use this safe and secure online donation option by  December 13th.
DEC 15: PTA Meeting - K2C Info Session
Kindergarten to college
Carol Lei will present about the K2C program at our upcoming general PTA session on  Thu Dec 15 @  8-9am. 
Join us to learn about an exciting new opportunity for fifth grade families, which the K2C team is piloting at a handful of elementary schools (Miraloma included), and about the K2C accounts for all our kids.

Kelley Karandjeff - programs@miralomasf.com
tours-helpVOLUNTEER: Help with Tours on Dec 2 & 10!
We Need Volunteers! No prior experience needed!
Show our school to prospective families: 
SIGN UP to assist during an upcoming tour! Our next tours are Fri, Dec 2nd and Sat, Dec 10th!

Kim Stewart & Sapna Satagopan - tours@miralomasf.com
volunteer-ongoingVOLUNTEER: Ongoing Volunteer Opportunities
Many hands make light work! 
Please take a moment to reach out to these committees if you can help them out. And thank you for all that you do.
Jessica Gosiln - Volunteer@miralomasf.com 

We need at least 25 volunteers to staff each morning and lunch recess (see  recess schedule). No experience needed . Playworks will train all volunteers.
Pamela Lyss-Lerman - Recess@miralomasf.com 

First Friday Coffee: 
Help by picking up coffee for one of our monthly get-togethers. 
Kathryn & Christy -  Hospitality@miralomasf.com

Healthy Snack Prep: 
Mon/Wed @ 8am to help prep in garden. Wed/Thu/Fri after school to clean up 
Alison Eastwood - Snack@miralomasf.com 

Adopt-a-Shelf in the Library: 
Help re-shelve, reorder and preserve books - 10 min per week.
Victoria Sanchez -  Library@miralomasf.com 

First Friday Dragon Wear Sales: 
Help spread the Miraloma spirit with "swag sales" on our First Friday Socials. 
Dan Linder - DragonWear@miralomasf.com 

Chicken Care: 
Sign up to care for our wonderful chickens on nights & weekends. 
Brian Leonard - Chickens@miralomasf.com 
molliestonesFUNDRAISING: Thank You Mollie Stone's!
 A huge thanks to Mollie Stone's for their generous gift of $1,000. Miraloma was one of 30 local schools selected to receive a donation in recognition of the family market's 30th anniversary.
You can show your appreciation by signing up for a Mollie Stone's Community Card at First Friday this week. When you shop with the card, 5% of your total bill will go back to Miraloma. 
shop-earnFUNDRAISING: Shop & Earn for Miraloma!
There are several ways for you to earn money for Miraloma while doing your regular shopping. See details on our website .
Thank you for reading!
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