Never, Never, Never Give Up!
It is not surprising that this motto is found in DRM’s Managing Attorney,
Nancy Pineles’
office. 10 years ago, Nancy took the lead in drafting and advocating for a Maryland law to be passed so parents, who care deeply for their child with one or more disabilities but lack the resources to meet the child’s highly specialized needs, would not face charges of neglect by the state and lose custody. The law instead allows a parent to voluntarily place their child with the state while the parent retains legal custody. Since then DRM staff have helped loving parents, who needed additional resources to meet their child’s highly specialized needs, arrange for a voluntary placement of their child and avoid being charged with neglect and losing custody. Nancy recently helped an extremely devoted mother obtain the specialized services that her son, SM, who has autism, needed with a voluntary placement. SM’s mother sent us a photo with her son expressing her appreciation for DRM’s staff:
"The dedication of the staff at DRM has helped my son overcome the unthinkable milestones. My family is forever grateful to Nancy and Leslie. Thank you a million times and more. Words will never explain the true and complete depth of my appreciation"