President's Message

Greetings Sorors,

Soror I am using the same message from last week as it is so important - please read the information provided to you and follow the directions as outlined in our many Delta Resources. If you have questions or need clarification I am always a text, phone call or email away to assist you.  

This is the most important information and update I can give you today.  

Sisterly and Lovingly,

Soror Stephanie Burrage

Minneapolis-St. Paul Alumnae Chapter President

Jan 31st - Chapter Budget Forum: Zoom Link

Connect with me!


Delta Talk



MSPAC Website

LinkTree QR Code

MSPAC & Nu Epsilon RUSH Information

Sorors -

It is with much excitement that I share with you that the Minneapolis-St. Paul Alumnae and Nu Epsilon RUSH Flyers have been approved and registration is now open. Listed below are some frequently asked questions.

Who can attend the RUSH? Other than the guest speaker(s) and the college/university representative, only current chapter members, chapter advisor(s) (collegiate chapters only), national officers, regional officers (or their designee(s)) may attend the RUSH activity. Other than those listed in the previous statement, attendance at the RUSH activity by any other soror/member is a Code of Conduct violation. Sorors under disciplinary action by the Sorority may not attend any membership intake activities. Verification of disciplinary status can be made through National Headquarters or the Grand Chapter website.


Do I have to register? We ask that all members pre-register, but it is not a requirement. Please pre-register by Friday, January 26th.

How do I register? You can find the registration link on the RUSH flyer which can be found under the Events tab on the Minneapolis-St. Paul website.

When should Members arrive? Members should arrive at the location at least a half hour before the start of the RUSH which starts at 2:00p.m.

What should we wear? Business attire is required. Deltas are asked to wear RED to identify themselves. 


Do not post the flyer on your personal Social Media. Doing so is a Code of Conduct violation.


Soror Ellen R. Safranski

1st Vice President and Scholarship Committee Chair

Minneapolis-St. Paul Alumnae Chapter

Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.


American Heart Association

Volunteer Opportunity

On February 22nd we have the opportunity to work with our national partner The American Heart association to support the 2024 Go Red For Women Event. Our beloved Soror Loralean Jordan will be recognized and honored at the event. They are in need of 6 Ballroom Spotters during the live auction and special appeal. The spotters will get excited, make noise or wave pom poms when they see someone with their hand or bidder number raised. Spotters need to arrive at 4:15 to receive a quick training with the auctioneer and you will be given a volunteer meal afterward. Spotters will be standing so will need to wear comfortable shoes. If you would like to volunteer at the event please let Soror Thornton know at Slots will be filled on a first come, first serve basis. 

For information about the event click on this link. 

And mark your calendars for National Wear Red For Women Day on February 2nd!

Fourth Annual Caregiving and Aging Forum

The Minneapolis-St. Paul Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. will be hosting our fourth Annual Caregiving and Aging Forum. 

Last year we hosted our third Forum and participants continue to ask us to show up for another year. This is an important forum sharing information to the community. We are continuing our focus this year on Mental Wellness: Specific topics will include 1) Intimate Partner Violence and 2) Dementia (will cover a variety of topics).

The Forum will be held on Saturday, February 17, 2024, from 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m., CST. Attendance is free, but registration is required. A virtual registration link will be sent soon.

Thank you Sorors for your Support.

Delta D.E.A.R.S. Co-Chairs

Sorors Anne Wade & Lois McCray

Caregiving and Aging Forum 2024

Martin Luther King Jr. Events

General Mills Breakfast Replay
TPT MLK Event Replay

Play - Handprints

Soror Greta Oglesby's play “Handprints” opens on January 27th. There is a short tribute to Delta Sigma Theta. She would love some of the Sorors to witness it.

Celebration for Soror Dr. Lisa Sayles-Adams

Invitation Only (please do not share)

Founders Day Event

March 16th

Registration for Founders Day Luncheon is NOW open. Sorors please register if you plan to attend the luncheon. Remember the luncheon is FREE to all financial members and is open to the public. We will recognize community "Advocates of Change" honorees and anticipate the luncheon will sell out. Registration deadline is: Sunday, February 25, 2024, 11:59PM. Please Register now.  

Registration Link

Hotel reservations for Founders Day weekend can be made at Radisson Blu hotel, Mall of America. Rates for Queen/queen and/or King rooms are $169 per night. Click the link below to reserve a room and for additional hotel information. Hotel registration deadline: Wednesday, February 14, 2024. 

Call for Policy and Procedures Amendments

Due January 30, 2024

Please see the example below for Policy and Procedures amendments:

Submit Policy and Procedure Changes HERE


Budget and Finance

Dues are now being collected for the 2024 Fiscal Year (January 1 - December 31, 2024). Dues can be paid by check, money order, bank bill pay, PayPal, or credit card using the following online form:


       National Headquarters is imposing late fees for dues submitted by chapters after October 15th, so the Budget and Finance Committee has established a cut off of October 1st to ensure sufficient processing time to submit the funds to National Headquarters before the late fee deadline. If you have any questions about dues payments, please reach out to the Finance team at

Midwest Missile

Newsletter and Midwest Missile Submission

Sorors! Let's showcase all of our amazing work - please use the link below to submit to our Quarterly Newsletter and Midwest Missile:

Submission Instructions
Midwest Missile

Committee Updates


EMBODI is looking for committee members! If interested please contact Soror Sabrina Jones!


The Minneapolis-St. Paul Chapter of the National Pan Hellenic Council is participating in 2 upcoming events and we need 2-3 sorors to attend. 

  • Black history month program at Cretin Durham Hall High School (550 S Albert St, St Paul, MN 55116) on Thursday, February 1st 9 am - 12 pm
  • North St. Paul High School (2416 11th Ave, St Paul, MN 55109) Black Student Union’s event on Thursday, February 15th 5-7:30 pm

Please contact Amelia Smith at 478-297-1473 or if available to participate.

Program Planning and Development

Committee Members Needed: Please click HERE to sign up to participate on a committee

2024 GET BODIED Walking/Fitness Challenge

With a new year comes new motivation to improve our health. PP&D and Membership Services are collaborating to host the 2nd Annual Get Bodied Challenge. We are off to running (or walking) start with 13 teams (9 MN, 3 WI, 1 GA) and 51 participants. We have wonderful grand prizes for the winning team and can't wait to walk, run, bike and move into better health!

If you are not formally participating in the Challenge you can still work on improving your health. We are uniting with our national partner, The American Heart Association, to bring you weekly tips on small ways to make big changes to your heart health. Share your small changes with us on social media using the hashtag #getbodied2024! 

Also, mark your calendars for a special "J13 Walk With The Deltas" on January 13th, at the Mall of America at 8AM. Did you know we walk on average 7,700 steps and 3 1/2 miles when we walk at the mall?! 

We look forward to celebrating better health with you! 

Social Action

Destination 22

We only have 10 days left for Destination 22 Donations of $22 (+ fees).

Below is the link for collegiates to request Destination 22 funds. This link is also on the Midwest website. The deadline is January 31! This deadline is in place to assist with issuing funds by the second week of February.

Thank you in advance!

Minnesota 2024 Political Dates to Watch

JAN. 19:  Voters can start casting their ballots early by mail or in person ahead of the state’s presidential election.

FEB. 13:  Deadline to register to vote in advance of the presidential primary. 

MARCH 5: Presidential primary election in Minnesota.

JUNE 28: Voters can start casting their ballots early by mail or in person ahead of the state’s August primary election.

AUGUST 13: Minnesota’s Primary Day.

SEPTEMBER 20:  Voter’s can start casting their ballots early by mail or in person ahead of the state’s general election.

OCT. 15:  Deadline to register to vote in advance of Election Day.

NOV. 5: Presidential Election Day (Senate and Congressional seats and local races)

Technology/ PR

Important Technology Updates 2024
Delta Technology Guidlines
DST Brand Style Guide

Useful Links

  • Calendar Don't miss out! Add the chapter calendar to your device!

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