President's Message

My Beautiful Soror’s,

Happy Deltatine’s Day!!! What I know for sure is that being a Delta means “I have all my sisters with me!” This means I am never alone and can celebrate every holiday with a Delta focus! Take the time to call a Soror and tell them you are thinking of them or schedule an outing to just talk, laugh and love!

Please read and respond to the items in the Sisterly Sentiments as it helps your committee chairs hear your voice and provides needed feedback to assist with planning.

Reminder to support Dr. Lisa Sayles-Adams at her first board meeting Tuesday, February 13, 2024 at 5:30 during the public comment. I recommend you arrive at 5:10 to be seated and wear your red. We are not speaking but to support our sister. 

Soror Stephanie Burrage

Minneapolis-St. Paul Alumnae Chapter President

Connect with me!


Delta Talk



MSPAC Website

LinkTree QR Code

Budget and Finance Survey

The Budget and Finance Committee would like to hear from you about our current Chapter dues structure. Please complete the survey at the link below by February 26th


MSPAC January Newsletter

Chapter Newsletter

Sorors! Please take a look at our most recent chapter newsletter!


Rededication Request

Sorors! We are in need of sorors to volunteer to assist with rededication during our Founders Day events. Please reach out to Soror President Stephanie Burrage or Soror Sherellia Moore.

American Heart Association

Volunteer Opportunity

On February 22nd we have the opportunity to work with our national partner The American Heart association to support the 2024 Go Red For Women Event. Our beloved Soror Loralean Jordan will be recognized and honored at the event. They are in need of 6 Ballroom Spotters during the live auction and special appeal. The spotters will get excited, make noise or wave pom poms when they see someone with their hand or bidder number raised. Spotters need to arrive at 4:15 to receive a quick training with the auctioneer and you will be given a volunteer meal afterward. Spotters will be standing so will need to wear comfortable shoes. If you would like to volunteer at the event please let Soror Thornton know at Slots will be filled on a first come, first serve basis. 

For information about the event click on this link. 

Fourth Annual Caregiving and Aging Forum

The Minneapolis-St. Paul Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. will be hosting our fourth Annual Caregiving and Aging Forum. 

Last year we hosted our third Forum and participants continue to ask us to show up for another year. This is an important forum sharing information to the community. We are continuing our focus this year on Mental Wellness: Specific topics will include 1) Intimate Partner Violence and 2) Dementia (will cover a variety of topics).

The Forum will be held on Saturday, February 17, 2024, from 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m., CST. Attendance is free, but registration is required. 

Link to Register

Please use this Link to register. You will receive a sign-in link closer to the event.

Thank you Sorors for your Support.

Delta D.E.A.R.S. Co-Chairs

Sorors Anne Wade & Lois McCray

Caregiving and Aging Forum 2024

Blood Drive Donors

We're reaching out to compile a list of individuals interested in donating blood. This form is not an RSVP for the event; rather, it helps us gauge the number of people enthusiastic about contributing to this noble cause. Your response will assist us in planning accordingly.

If you have questions or need more information please contact Soror Opati at

Interest In Donating Form

Invitation to Alpha Phi Alpha's Musical Tribute to Lionel Richie

The Gamma Xi Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. invites you and your sorority sisters to a musical tribute to the soul-stirring music of our fraternity brother, Lionel Richie on Sunday, March 24, 2024.  

Taking us on our Lionel Richie musical journey will be "Co-MingL", “The Hottest New Band in The Twin Cities''. This world class, 10 piece band, lead by a trio of dynamic male singers have pooled their talents to offer sold-out performances at many major musical venues. Known for their smooth, soulful sounds, these gents blend harmony and melodies, to properly pay homage to the rich musical majesty of Lionel Richie.

Order dinner and drinks, sing out loud and fall in love all over again to Richie’s classic pop, R&B and soul music standards, from his solo career, duets and, of course, those unforgettable hits from his years with The Commodores.

WHAT:        An evening of music featuring the music of Lionel Richie

WHO:          This public event is open to all lovers of classic soul, R&B, and pop music.

WHEN:        Sunday, March 24, 2024; Doors open at 4:30 for dinner; Show begins at 6:00 PM

WHERE:     The Dakota, 1010 Nicollet Mall, Minneapolis, MN 55403

TICKETS:    Tickets may be purchased using this DIRECT LINK to the Dakota website beginning January 29.

Just in time for the emergence of spring, we invite you to treat yourself and those significant in your life to the gift of music. For a little musical inspiration, enjoy Lionel Richie's timeless hit "All Night Long."

We hope that you'll join us on Sunday, March 24th for a fun-filled, toe-tapping, sing-out-loud evening of music.

The Brothers of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity

Gamma Xi Lambda Chapter

Minnesota-St. Paul

Founders Day Event

March 16th


Hotel reservations for Founders Day weekend can be made at Radisson Blu hotel, Mall of America. Rates for Queen/queen and/or King rooms are $169 per night. Click the link below to reserve a room and for additional hotel information. Hotel registration deadline: Wednesday, February 14, 2024. 

Registration for Founders Day Luncheon is NOW open. Sorors please register if you plan to attend the luncheon. Remember the luncheon is FREE to all financial members and is open to the public. We will recognize community "Advocates of Change" honorees and anticipate the luncheon will sell out. Registration deadline is: Sunday, February 25, 2024, 11:59PM. Please Register now.  

Registration Link


Budget and Finance

Dues for the 2024 Fiscal Year can be paid by check, money order, bank bill pay, PayPal, or credit card using the following online form:

2024 Membership Dues Form

National Headquarters is now imposing $15 reinstatement fees for dues submitted by chapters after December 31, 2023. If you have any questions about dues payments, please reach out to the Finance team at

Midwest Missile

Newsletter and Midwest Missile Submission

Sorors! Let's showcase all of our amazing work - please use the link below to submit to our Quarterly Newsletter and Midwest Missile:

Submission Instructions

Committee Updates


EMBODI is looking for committee members! If interested please contact Soror Sabrina Jones!

The EMBODI committee is looking for more committee members. We have recently partnered with the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Alpha Project to deliver a one-day symposium for boys ages 13-18 with the Theme: From Boys to Men, focusing on Mental Health. Topics will focus on wellness and self-care, Foundation Building: College and Vocational training, and Entrepreneurship, and Healthy Relationships. We are looking for members to join our committee and bring this fun, interactive topic to life for our black youth this May. Please contact Soror Sabrina Jones, if you are interested in helping us make this happen. Thank you!

Membership Services

D13 Day

Wear your Para the 13th of every month in celebration of who we are and to increase brand awareness in the community!

D13 CHALLENGE - Social Media Challenge

Post a picture on social media wearing your Para on the 13th day of the month

Tag our social media pages!


The Minneapolis-St. Paul Chapter of the National Pan Hellenic Council is participating in North St. Paul High School (2416 11th Ave, St Paul, MN 55109) Black Student Union’s event on Thursday, February 15th from 5-7:30 pm. We need 2-3 sorors to attend. If you're able to attend please contact Amelia Smith at 478-297-1473 or

The Minnesota Timberwolves are hosting a Divine 9 and HBCU night during their Wed. Feb 28 game vs. the Memphis Grizzlies at 6:30 pm. Stackwell is hosting a pregame mixer at Tom's Watch Bar. See the flyer for more details. Tickets can be purchased here. Use promo code 2324HBCU!

Additional events to attend:

  • February 16, Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Inc., Iota Zeta Zeta Chapter book drive at Elizabeth Hall School 9:45-10:15 am 1601 N Aldrich Ave Minneapolis, MN 55411
  • February 22, Sigma Gamma Rho fundraiser at Famous Daves on Lake St. 12-8 pm. 20% of order went to support their chapter

2024 GET BODIED Walking/Fitness Challenge

Now for week 5 yall did the thang! SL All The Way came up from behind and pulled ahead by a nose. And Wisconsin may not have a winning football team but our Madison Alumnae Sorors from Get To Steppin and Sole Steppers are definitely winning! We are past the halfway mark and so close to the finish line I can feel it. Don't give up the fight now. Push just a little bit harder and take one more step. If you need a quick 7,000 steps join us to walk at the Mall of America. We meet at Lululemon on the East side of the mall at 8am. This is for sorors only. 

Our friends at The American Heart Association want us to get better sleep. When you sleep your body goes into repair and re-energize mode. Good sleep=good mental and physical health. 

Keep up the good work sorors and share with us any good news you are experiencing as a result of this challenge.

Physical and Mental Health

It's that time of year again sorors! We will be walking in The American Heart Association Heart Walk on June 1st. Our team name is Loralean's Dream Team! We would love to have all of you sign up to walk and join us for lunch. You can also raise money by donating or collecting money from friends and family. You do not have to raise money or contribute money to participate in the walk. Immediately after the walk we will walk to Wood + Paddle which is about a block away from Target Field. We will need a head count as they are reserving a room for us free of charge since we are participating in the walk!

Our beautiful Soror Karla Rutten has graciously agreed to make custom team t-shirts for the walk! The shirts will be white with a red logo (see below). If you like a looser fit size up as the shirts are women's shirts and fit true to size. 

Lastly, The American Heart Association would love to have a few of us volunteer to work at the gate entrances to welcome people to Target Field. You will need to arrive several hours before the walk starts to cheer on the walkers as they enter the field. 

You can click on this link to register for the walk.  Heart Walk Registration

Click this link to order a team t-shirt, sign up for lunch, and sign up to volunteer at the gates. T-shirt, Lunch and Gate work

Let's continue to Get Bodied and healthy in 2024! If you have any questions you can reach out to Soror Thornton at


Dear Sorors, the Scholarship Committee needs your help to spread the word with schools, fellow educators, school counselors, community members and students about the open scholarship application before the deadline on March 1, 2024. We have shared via social media, but we need to get more direct communication to people in schools so we can have more students apply by the deadline. Please forward the message and image below. Thank you in advance for your support. As a reminder, children of members of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. are not eligible for this scholarship. You can copy and paste the announcement language and image from this link and send it to people you know. Thank you!


The Minneapolis-St. Paul Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. will award several scholarships to deserving Minnesota students this Spring. Award amounts and number of awards vary annually, depending on funds available. Application is open now and closes on March 1, 2024. Please share this announcement with high school seniors in your network.

The award committee considers multiple factors when evaluating applications including community service contributions, autobiographical essay, grade point average, personal reference letter and financial need.

The Vernetta Wilson Memorial Scholarship is part of the Minneapolis-St. Paul Alumnae Chapter's larger commitment to provide encouragement and support to African-American students who choose higher education as their goal. The Scholarship Fund was formed in late 1987 in honor of our departed sister who was an active member of the community whose passion in life was working with young adults. 

The criteria are as follows:

  • Black/African-American high school graduating senior
  • Minimum cumulative unweighted grade point average of 2.7 on 4.0 scale
  • Demonstrated leadership skills
  • Active volunteer in community service activities (minimum 30 hours)
  • Acceptance to a two-year or four-year accredited institution of higher education for the 2024 Fall semester (if awarded a scholarship, proof of full-time registration is required to receive funds)
  • Minnesota resident

 Learn more about the Scholarship and apply here: Questions? Please contact the Scholarship Chair at

Social Action

Minnesota 2024 Political Dates to Watch

JAN. 19:  Voters can start casting their ballots early by mail or in person ahead of the state’s presidential election.

FEB. 13:  Deadline to register to vote in advance of the presidential primary. 

MARCH 5: Presidential primary election in Minnesota.

JUNE 28: Voters can start casting their ballots early by mail or in person ahead of the state’s August primary election.

AUGUST 13: Minnesota’s Primary Day.

SEPTEMBER 20:  Voter’s can start casting their ballots early by mail or in person ahead of the state’s general election.

OCT. 15:  Deadline to register to vote in advance of Election Day.

NOV. 5: Presidential Election Day (Senate and Congressional seats and local races)

Registration Fees

Collegiate Virtual Attendees: $30.00

Alumnae Virtual Attendees: $80.00


To view the conference registration policy document, please click: HERE.


To register for the virtual 35th Annual Delta Days in the Nation’s Capital, please click: HERE.


You will receive a confirmation email upon successful registration. Please be sure to also check your junk mail in the event the message is sent there. General questions regarding DDNC can be sent to:

Technology/ PR

Important Technology Updates 2024
Delta Technology Guidlines
DST Brand Style Guide

Useful Links

  • Calendar Don't miss out! Add the chapter calendar to your device!

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