Program Planning and Development
Committee Members Needed: Please click HERE to sign up to participate on a committee
2024 GET BODIED Walking/Fitness Challenge
With a new year comes new motivation to improve our health. PP&D and Membership Services are collaborating to host the 2nd Annual Get Bodied Challenge. We are off to a running (or walking) start with 13 teams (9 MN, 3 WI, 1 GA) and 51 participants. We have wonderful grand prizes for the winning team and can't wait to walk, run, bike and move into better health!
If you are not formally participating in the Challenge you can still work on improving your health. We are uniting with our national partner, The American Heart Association, to bring you weekly tips on small ways to make big changes to your heart health. Share your small changes with us on social media using the hashtag #getbodied2024!
Also, mark your calendars for a special "J13 Walk With The Deltas" on January 13th, at the Mall of America at 8AM. Did you know we walk on average 7,700 steps and 3 1/2 miles when we walk at the mall?!
We look forward to celebrating better health with you!