President's Message

Greetings Sorors,

Happy New Year to 2024!!! We have many things to celebrate as we continue the work of our 22 Founder's who created our Awesome sisterhood 111 years ago to be of service to our communities. We have many activities in the coming weeks so please plan accordingly and try to engage in however you are able to serve.  

As you prepare for the Sorority Meeting we will host a Zoom Meeting Wednesday, January 10, 2024 from 5:45-6:45 for Sorors to have time to ask questions about agenda items at our upcoming Sorority Meeting. You will have a chance to ask questions of our 1st Vice President, Soror Safranski and she discusses the MI Calendar and Budget.

Thank you to every Soror that was able to attend our DID's and Trainings this past weekend. There is always a space for learning and areas to grow. I appreciate your gift of time to the growth of our organization!!

In Love and Gratitude,

Soror Stephanie Burrage

Jan 10th - MI Budget Forum: Zoom Link
Jan 31st - Chapter Budget Forum: Zoom Link

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Delta Talk



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Founders Day Sisterhood Lunch/Fellowship

Location: The Market at Malcolm Yards 501 30th Ave SE Minneapolis

Time: 12noon - 3PM

The Market at Malcolm Yards is a public food hall with multiple restaurants/food/drink options. Sorors can select which establishment that appeals to them and then pay them directly. We will have a section blocked off for Sorors to gather and fellowship.

January Chapter Meeting


Date: January 12, 2024

Time: 7:00PM

Register in advance for this meeting: 

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Attire: Delta Business Attire

Theme: January Chapter Meeting theme is “Pearls for Sisterhood” - in honor of our 22 Founders. Asking Sorors to wear/show their pearls at the meeting (if on camera)

*Please note that the Eboard and Chapter meetings will be virtual for the months of January and February 2024.

Chapter Meeting: Zoom Link *please register*

MLK Day Celebrations

Chapter Volunteer Opportunities

∙       At-home-volunteer: FLEECE* Tie Blankets: Kids In Need Foundation, 2719 Patton Rd Roseville, MN 55113.

∙       In-person-volunteer:  Pack Homeless Care Kits: Cru Inner City Ministry: Thursday, January 11, 2024 6:15PM – 8:00PM. Registration link:

∙       In-person-volunteer:  Supporting Sweet Comfort Pies (Sorors McGee & Harmon): January 14, 2024. Volunteer registration link:

We are asking that Sorors take pictures of their acts of service during this week, post to social media and tag the chapter social media account and the State of MN Governor's Office using the hashtag #OneDreamOneMinnesota

*Fleece blankets costs (up to $20/blanket) will be reimbursed. Send vouchers to or

Dr. Marin Luther King Jr. Day Celebration, Ordway Center 

Monday, January 15, 2024 10:30AM – 12:30AM (hosted by Governor Tim Walz, Lieutenant Governor Peggy Flanagan and Dr. Stephanie Burrage) 

  • Please fill out the attached form to indicate if you will be attending the celebration and need seating.


Sorors, the below invite is for our chapter ONLY. This is a private celebration and the invitation is not to be shared and is for us to RSVP ONLY!

RSVP - do not share

Founders Day Event

March 16th

Registration for Founders Day Luncheon is NOW open. Sorors please register if you plan to attend the luncheon. Remember the luncheon is FREE to all financial members and is open to the public. We will recognize community "Advocates of Change" honorees and anticipate the luncheon will sell out. Registration deadline is: Sunday, February 25, 2024, 11:59PM. Please Register now.  

Registration Link

Hotel reservations for Founders Day weekend can be made at Radisson Blu hotel, Mall of America. Rates for Queen/queen and/or King rooms are $169 per night. Click the link below to reserve a room and for additional hotel information. Hotel registration deadline: Wednesday, February 14, 2024. 

Call for Policy and Procedures Amendments

Due January 30, 2024

Please see the example below for Policy and Procedures amendments:

Submit Policy and Procedure Changes HERE


Budget and Finance

Dues are now being collected for the 2024 Fiscal Year (January 1 - December 31, 2024). Dues can be paid by check, money order, bank bill pay, PayPal, or credit card using the following online form:


       National Headquarters is imposing late fees for dues submitted by chapters after October 15th, so the Budget and Finance Committee has established a cut off of October 1st to ensure sufficient processing time to submit the funds to National Headquarters before the late fee deadline. If you have any questions about dues payments, please reach out to the Finance team at

Midwest Missile

Midwest Missile

Committee Updates

Membership Services


You are invited to a special "J13" WALK WITH THE DELTAS on Saturday, January 13th, 2024 at 8:00AM at the MOA! We will be meeting on the 1st floor West Entrance in front of Lululemon. Followed by Sisterhood lunch/fellowship at The Market at Malcom Yards (501 30th Ave SE Minneapolis) from 12noon - 3PM. Wear your J13 Para!!

Program Planning and Development

  • Committee Members Needed: Please click HERE to sign up to participate on a committee

2024 GET BODIED Walking/Fitness Challenge

With a new year comes new motivation to improve our health. PP&D and Membership Services are collaborating to host the 2nd Annual Get Bodied Challenge. We are off to running (or walking) start with 13 teams (9 MN, 3 WI, 1 GA) and 51 participants. We have wonderful grand prizes for the winning team and can't wait to walk, run, bike and move into better health!

If you are not formally participating in the Challenge you can still work on improving your health. We are uniting with our national partner, The American Heart Association, to bring you weekly tips on small ways to make big changes to your heart health. Share your small changes with us on social media using the hashtag #getbodied2024! 

Also, mark your calendars for a special "J13 Walk With The Deltas" on January 13th, at the Mall of America at 8AM. Did you know we walk on average 7,700 steps and 3 1/2 miles when we walk at the mall?! 

We look forward to celebrating better health with you! 

Technology/ PR

Important Technology Updates 2024
Delta Technology Guidlines
DST Brand Style Guide

Useful Links

  • Calendar Don't miss out! Add the chapter calendar to your device!

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