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Welcome to the DSpace Community Newsletter. This newsletter summarizes the most significant activities within the DSpace community. We plan to send this newsletter on a quarterly basis. If you would like to receive the newsletter, please subscribe. (If you subscribe, Lyrasis will only send emails pertaining to the DSpace Community Newsletter.)

On behalf of DSpace Governance, welcome to the new quarterly DSpace Community Newsletter! We look forward to sharing timely governance news with our community via the Newsletter. – Maureen Walsh, Chair, DSpace Leadership and Steering Groups



Woman sitting at a cafe with computer

Now Available: DSpace Annual Report

We are pleased to announce the release of the DSpace Annual Report. The annual report showcases the major activities from the DSpace community this year, July 1, 2022- June 30, 2023. To summarize, DSpace 7.4, 7.5 and 7.6 were developed and released with major contributions from DSpace registered service providers, members and other community members.

Thank you for dedicating your time and funding to this community-lead open source solution and software. We had a productive year!

Annual Report


Planning for 8.0 will begin in 2023

DSpace 8.0 will be released in 2024. While the scope of this release is still being finalized, we welcome contributions from anyone. Contributions may take the form of:

  • Contributing code to 8.0 - As a volunteer developer you can determine which issue ticket you’d like to work on. Please get in touch with Tim Donohue if you have any questions.

New DSpace Demo Site

Our public demo site for DSpace (v7) has moved to The REST API backend is now available at

This demo site auto-updates itself every time a new change is pushed out to the DSpace v7 maintenance branches (dspace-7_x branch) in our frontend or backend codebases. So, it will always be running the latest DSpace 7 code.

In addition, for developers, a new site (backend: is available to preview any pre-8.0 code and features. (Because 8.0 development has just begun, this sandbox site is currently identical in features to Finally, the older DSpace 6 demo site is still temporarily available at a new URL of More information can be found on the wiki.


If we missed any news, please email us with your news to add to the DSpace News area of the website and our social accounts.

Image of D2 logo

  • PCG Academia contributions to DSpace 7. In the projects completed so far, we have developed a number of valuable and unique functionalities of DSpace 7, including a Polish language version, a fully responsive and WCAG 2.0 compliant graphical interface or integrations with the university's internal systems. We have also developed an integration for direct data transfer to the national ministerial system of the evaluation of employees and scientific achievements through PCG Academia's Sciencecloud integrator. Delivered in a service model identical to PBN and POL-on ministerial databases, the Sciencecloud integration hub additionally enables the analysis and recording of a university's scientific achievements as well as information on employees’ statements and employment downloaded directly from POL-on.


DSpace is funded through the contributions of members that allocate their annual funding to supporting and developing DSpace. Membership provides opportunities to participate and influence the direction of the software. If your institution is not yet a member in support of DSpace, please join today!


Is your DSpace repository listed in the registry? Help us maintain reliable information on the community of DSpace users around the world by registering your repository today.


DSpace Community Advisory Team (DCAT)

The DSpace Community Advisory Team holds monthly open Zoom meetings for repository managers, developers and users of DSpace.

About Lyrasis

Lyrasis, a non-profit membership organization, partners with member libraries, archives and museums to create, access, preserve and manage information, with an emphasis on digital content, while building and sustaining collaboration, enhancing operations and technology, and increasing buying power. Lyrasis is the organizational home of DSpace and coordinates this newsletter.