January 2022
Newsletter, DUP International

“The Dance is the Way of Life,

the Dance is the Sway of Life”

Celebrating the 40th Anniversary
of the Dances of Universal Peace Network

with its co-founders, the Rev. Tasnim Fernandez and Dr. Neil Douglas-Klotz
An opportunity to meet on zoom on
29 January
18.00 UTC, UK, or 10.00 West Coast NA
Our themes:
Looking back, looking ahead....
Where have we been and
what does the future hold for the Dances of Universal Peace? 

We will explore the themes of “dances of innocence and dances of experience,” Samuel Lewis’s “without speech, without silence—let us demonstrate,” and much more, including chant, body prayer and meditation.

Check your local time for this call on

How to connect to the call:

Register for the call using this link:

We plan to have simultaneous translation in Spanish, German and Russian.

Start time:
6 pm in Scotland (UK), same as
10 am in Seattle
1 pm in New York
3 pm in Chile
9 pm Moscow time
11.30 pm in New Delhi
7 am on 30 January in New Zealand.