October 3, 2024



The UN Won't Protect Gaza, But Can Adopt a 'Pact for the Future'?

Pepe Escobar   


NATO Expansion is a Blunder of Epic Proportions

Chaitanya Dave'       Global Research

American nonprofits that support Israel's world crimes

Philanthropic colonialism: US non-profits supporting Israel's (illegal) settlements

Nathaniel Manock        Aljazeera


Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov Speaks at 2024 UN General Assembly

Transcript  SEPTEMBER 30, 2024


This is why Turkish President Erdogan is calling for a new world order

Karya Naz Balkiz      TRTWorld

Preamble to the EARTH CONSTITUTION / House of Peoples

World Constitution & Parliament Association


The UN Summit of the Future will likely be a disappointment as most proposals (over 50 them) are cosmetic, avoiding the fundamental flaws in the Charter which have rendered the UN unable to do its primary job, like ending war.

Thanks to the Center for UN Constitutional Research (CUNCR) Charter Review is starting to be discussed at the UN: Turkey, Brazil and other frustrated nations want voting rights, want law and order to be applied equally to all nations, and seek new economic models. DWF believes that the Earth Constitution should be utilized by the UN General Assembly as a guide, model and authority for a "New UN" by working together with WCPA, DWF and CUNCR.

 The UN Won't Protect Gaza, But Can Adopt a 'Pact for the Future'?

Pepe Escobar   

The United Nations has become a parody of itself. As world leaders gathered in New York this week, Gaza, Lebanon, and Palestine were nowhere on the agenda, but a rammed-through US Pact designed to protect the ‘rules-based order’ was right at the top.


The United Nations and its Security Council’s inability – and unwillingness – to stop a live-streamed genocide has discredited it beyond any possible redemption. Any serious resolution inflicting serious consequences to Israel’s deadly psychopathology was, is, and will be blocked at the UN Security Council.

The whole UN building in New York City has now been reduced to a monolith celebrating Dejection and Cynicism, as it becomes crystal clear to any diplomatic corps that the Gaza genocide and now its extension to Lebanon are fully supported by the western criminal syndicate, led by Anglo-American Zionism.   


NATO Expansion is a Blunder of Epic Proportions

Chaitanya Dave'       Global Research

The whole war in Ukraine could and should have been avoided. Russia had simple demands:

  • Don’t join NATO
  • Be Neutral
  • Recognize Crimea, a part of Russia

United States is addicted to wars everywhere. How many countries has Russia invaded and how many were invaded by the United States since World War-II? To keep its arms manufacturing industry going and to maintain its global hegemony, these wars are necessary. The so-called defense industry doles out millions of dollars for the reelection of America’s politicians. By creating wars, they payback their paymasters as in every direct or proxy war America engages in, these defense contractors make billions of dollars’ profit.

It is interesting to note that when Putin came to power, in 2000 he wanted to join the European Union and NATO. What a wonderful opportunity it would have been to unify the world! But NATO led by America and the European Union rejected the idea. Why? Is it because the United States needed an enemy to keep its arms manufacturing and selling to continue for enormous profits? If Russia became a friend, America would lose a huge block of European NATO member customers for its arms.

To justify these wars, America needs a boogeyman. Remember Al Qaeda in Afghanistan, Saddam Hussein in Iraq, Slobodan Milosevic in Serbia, Assad in Syria, Gadhafi in Libya and now Putin in Russia. All American media always join in demonizing these “monsters”, toeing the government line. You will never find dissenting opinion in all our mainstream news media–TV, newspaper, or radio network. READ MORE

American nonprofits that support Israel's world crimes

Philanthropic colonialism: US non-profits supporting Israel's (illegal) settlements

Nathaniel Manock        Aljazeera


American non-profits are lobbying for Israel and arranging trips to its illegal settlements while enjoying tax-exempt status.


What these discussions often neglect to account for, however, is the role of tax-exempt American 501(c)(3) nonprofit organisations. ... failure to adequately regulate nonprofit activity, has provided the ability for organisations to support illegal Israeli settlements on occupied Palestinian territory and fund travel for American political figures who support policies in line with Israeli state interests.


... volunteer trips led by nonprofits are fairly common. Religious affiliations of these organisations can vary too, with some identifying as Christian and some as Jewish. HaYovel, a Christian Zionist organisation, offers volunteer trips to Israeli settlements in the West Bank. ...


Some US nonprofit organisations also work with the Israeli military directly. A partnership between New York-based 501(c)(3) Volunteers for Israel (VFI) and the Israeli nonprofit SAR-EL, for many years placed American volunteers on Israeli military bases across the West Bank and Israel proper to perform various tasks ...


... The American Israel Education Foundation (AIEF), which functions as the 501(c)(3) wing of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), specialises in leading group trips for elected officials who align with Israeli state objectives. Last summer, two dozen House Democrats participated in an AIEF-sponsored tour that featured an extensive itinerary and was heavily covered by AIPAC’s social media accounts. Among those who traveled were influential Democratic House members including House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries and former House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer.


Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov Speaks at 2024 UN General Assembly

Transcript  SEPTEMBER 30, 2024


 A few days ago, this building hosted a forum called the Summit of the Future. Russia was supportive of the idea of the Secretary-General to convene it, since the crisis of our Organisation is deepening and something needs to be done about this. We devoted our efforts to preparing the summit. However, we were realistic in our expectations. There have been many ambitious events in the modern history of the United Nations which ended up with loud declarations which were soon forgotten.


For years, Russia has been trying to make Washington, London and Brussels, overwhelmed by their own complexes of exclusivity and impunity, understand this seemingly simple truth in the context of European security. Although they initially promised not to expand NATO, and in 1999 and 2020 they left their signatures in official documents of OSCE summits under the obligation not to ensure their own security at the expense of others, in fact the North Atlantic Alliance has been carrying out geopolitical and military expansion in Europe for three decades, trying to establish its positions in the Trans-Caucasian region and Central Asia, creating direct threats to the security of our country.

The same situation is happening in the Asia-Pacific region, where NATO’s infrastructure is creeping in and where military and political blocs are being created, undermining the inclusive security architecture under the auspices of ASEAN, in order to contain the People’s Republic of China and Russia.

At the same time, the West not only fails to seek the global cooperation called for by our Secretary-General, but in its doctrinal documents openly and harshly accuses Russia, China, Belarus, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and Iran of creating threats to its dominance. The goal of the strategic defeat of Russia is declared there: just as London and Washington did in May 1945, when (before the end of the Second World War) they developed Operation Unthinkable to destroy the Soviet Union. This was kept a deep secret, but today’s Anglo-Saxon strategists do not hide their intentions. However, they expect to defeat Russia through an illegitimate neo-Nazi Kiev Regime, however they prepare Europe to fall in this suicidal affair. I will not dwell on the futility and danger of the very idea of trying to fight Russia’s nuclear power to victory. READ MORE

This is why Turkish President Erdogan is calling for a new world order

Karya Naz Balkiz      TRTWorld


Erdogan is set to address the 79th session of the UN General Assembly. ...


Türkiye has been a leading voice in calling for comprehensive reforms at the UN, advocating for a democratic, transparent, and inclusive global system that challenges the entrenched power of the few. It wants a system that effectively addresses global issues with justice and accountability.

To achieve this, more countries must have a meaningful voice at the UN.

Türkiye argues that the current structure of the UNSC, which places veto power in the hands of its five permanent members–the United States, the United Kingdom, France, China, and Russia–limits the council’s ability to address international crises equitably.

Türkiye is also critical of the selective approach that Western powers display in addressing global conflicts. It has called for a more consistent and principled approach to applying international law, where all nations are held to the same standards.

This critique centres on how Western powers were quick to condemn Russia’s aggression against Ukraine but continue even today to support Israel despite mounting evidence of its atrocities in Gaza, including war crimes and actions that amount to genocide.

In his book A Fairer World Is Possible, President Erdogan emphasises the need for a system “where the right is strong, rather than the strong is right.”

Türkiye has urged international bodies, especially the UN, to develop mechanisms that effectively promote dialogue and understanding.  READ MORE

Preamble to the EARTH CONSTITUTION / House of Peoples

World Constitution & Parliament Association 




Realizing that Humanity today has come to a turning point in history and that we are on the threshold of an new world order which promises to usher in an era of peace, prosperity, justice and harmony;

Aware of the interdependence of people, nations and all life;

Aware that man’s abuse of science and technology has brought Humanity to the brink of disaster through the production of horrendous weaponry of mass destruction and to the brink of ecological and social catastrophe;

Aware that the traditional concept of security through military defense is a total illusion both for the present and for the future;

Aware of the misery and conflicts caused by ever increasing disparity between rich and poor;

Conscious of our obligation to posterity to save Humanity from imminent and total annihilation;

Conscious that Humanity is One despite the existence of diverse nations, races, creeds, ideologies and cultures and that the principle of unity in diversity is the basis for a new age when war shall be outlawed and peace prevail; when the earth’s total resources shall be equitably used for human welfare; and when basic human rights and responsibilities shall be shared by all without discrimination;

Conscious of the inescapable reality that the greatest hope for the survival of life on earth is the establishment of a democratic world government;

We, citizens of the world, hereby resolve to establish a world federation to be governed in accordance with this constitution for the Federation of Earth.


Sec. 5.2 • Composition of the World Parliament


5.2.1. The World Parliament shall be composed of three houses, designated as follows:

   The House of Peoples, to represent the people of Earth directly and equally;

    The House of Nations, to represent the nations which are joined together in the Federation of Earth; and the House of Counselors with particular functions to represent the highest good and best interests of humanity as a whole.

 5.2.2. All members of the World Parliament, regardless of House, shall be designated as Members of the World Parliament.


Sec. 5.3 • The House of Peoples (1000 Electoral Districts to represent the world's 7.8 billion people)

5.3.1. The House of Peoples shall be composed of the peoples delegates directly elected in proportion to population from the World Electoral and Administrative Districts, as defined in Article 2-4.


5.3.2. Peoples delegates shall be elected by universal adult suffrage, open to all persons of age 18 and above.


5.3.3. One peoples delegate shall be elected from each World Electoral and Administrative District to serve a five year term in the House of Peoples. Peoples delegates may be elected to serve successive terms without limit. Each peoples delegate shall have one vote.


5.3.4. A candidate for election to serve as a peoples delegate must be at least 21 years of age, a resident for at least one year of the electoral district from which the candidate is seeking election, and shall take a pledge of service to humanity.


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