May 31, 2023

Jodie A. Dashore, PhD, May Awareness Guest Audio Blog

Lyme and Autism

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) continues to be on the rise causing tremendous hardship to the families impacted by its relentless impact on the lives of their loved ones. At BioNexus Health we see complicated cases of children of all ages diagnosed with ASD. In-depth history, examination and symptom analysis points to neurological Lyme Disease

in over 65% of cases of Autism we see. It is important to investigate further, gather laboratory evidence and factor in the appropriate treatment for the tick borne infections. Proper and timely intervention can change the course of the child’s condition, stop damage in its tracks and create the requisite environment for the child to heal. When a child with ASD heals, it sends waves of positivity to the entire family and the

community as a whole with reduced strain on resources and greatly improved quality of life. Listen to audio blog.

Elizabeth Maloney, MD, May Awareness Guest Video Blog

Watch video blog.

Lyme Disease: Cranial Neuritis

Dr. Maloney narrated her May Lyme Awareness Blog PowerPoint presentation on “Lyme Disease: Cranial Neuritis." In her presentation, she discusses how Lyme disease can affect the cranial nerves and provides details about the symptoms and signs associated with cranial neuritis. This information may help people with Lyme cranial neuritis to be diagnosed and treated as early as possible. Go to blog.

Daniel Cameron MD, May Awareness Guest Blog

Borrelia Miyamotoi

Borrelia miyamotoi (B. miyamotoi) can be transmitted by the same tick that carries Borrelia burgdorferi, the Lyme disease pathogen. B. miyamotoi can lead to B. miyamotoi disease.

Symptoms and signs of B. miyamotoi - Although B. miyamotoi is a type of relapsing fever, only 2 out of 50 patients infected with B. miyamotoi actually exhibited a relapsing fever. Instead, the symptoms include fever, chills, fatigue, sleepiness, muscle and joint stiffness, aches and pains,

and nausea (5). Only11% of miyamotoi patients presented with an erythema migrans rash. Some patients present with an elevated liver test, low white count, and abnormal liver tests that have been described in another tick-borne illness, Anaplasmosis.

Immunocompromised individuals may experience reduced cognition, disturbed gait, memory deficits, confusion, and other neurological deficiencies resultant of meningoencephalitis, wrote Cleveland and colleagues (5). The authors added, “Additionally, hearing loss,

weight loss, uveitis, iritis, neck stiffness, and photophobia have been reported,” the authors wrote. The symptoms can be severe enough to lead to hospitalization.

Read the blog.

James Occi, PhD, May Awareness Guest Blog

Rickettsiosis: “New” RMSF

Early History of RMSF – Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF) was discovered by Howard Taylor Ricketts in the early 1900s in the Bitterroot Mountains of Montana and Idaho. RMSF is a bacterial infection (caused by Rickettsia rickettsii) that is transmitted by the Rocky Mountain wood tick, Dermacentor andersoni. RMSF is quite fatal if not treated or if there is a delay in diagnosis. Read the blog.

Hygromycin A: Antibiotic to Prevent Chronic Lyme

Groundbreaking News

Northeastern Global News (Cynthia McCormick Hibbert) 5.26.23, published an article on the research conducted by Kim Lewis, PhD., professor of biology and director of Northeastern’s Antimicrobial Discovery Center. According to Northwestern University, Lewis has developed a treatment for Lyme disease that could prevent chronic Lyme from developing.

The antibiotic being investigated is Hygromycin A for the prevention of chronic Lyme. The game changing advantage is that this antibiotic targets and selectively kills Lyme disease-causing bacteria without damaging other beneficial bacteria in a person’s gut microbiome. Read more.

Kim Lewis, Ph.D.

Read the article.

Lyme Disease Duke Law Project Received Award

(L) Luke Mears, LDAP Co-Founder, (C) Stella Boswell, Assistant Dean of Public Interest and Pro Bono; (R) Madison Pinckney, LDAP Co-Founder

LDA Partner Lyme Duke Law Project Receives Honor

The Lyme Disease Association, Inc. (LDA) announces that in its first year as an established student group, the Lyme Disease Advocacy Project won Duke Law School’s annual award for Greatest Service to the Outside Community. This award is given to the student group that provided outstanding service to the North Carolina community and beyond throughout the year. By drafting research memorandums for the LDA, the Lyme Disease Advocacy Project provided vital information that helped to better advocate for Lyme patients. Student co-founders, Luke Mears and Madison Pinckney accepted the award alongside Stella Boswell, Assistant Dean of Public Interest and Pro Bono at Duke Law. Read more.

Consequences of COVID Illness Versus Vaccine

A Focus on People with Lyme Disease

Antibiotics (Cameron, D.J., et al.) 3.1.2023, published “Consequences of Contracting COVID-19 or Taking the COVID-19 Vaccine for Individuals with a History of Lyme Disease.” This survey compared the burden of illness among three groups of individuals; individuals with a history of Lyme disease (HLD), individuals with HLD that experienced COVID-19 viral illness, and individuals with HLD that had been vaccinated against COVID-19. Read more.

Read the study.

Neurologic Complications of Babesiosis


Relapsing Babesiosis

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United States, 2011–2021

Emerging Infectious Diseases Journal (Locke, S., et al.) 06.2023, published “Neurologic Complications of Babesiosis, United States, 2011–2021.” This study aims to describe the “neurological complications of babesiosis in a group of hospitalized patients” from Connecticut. Babesiosis is a parasitic infection that is primarily transmitted through the bite of an infected ixodid tick. Transmission rates of babesiosis have increased in the Northeastern and upper Midwestern United States within the last two decades. Read more.

LDA Presentation to Nurses: Overview of US TBD & Effects on Kids in Schools

Ticks, Diseases, Tests, Symptoms, Schools

LDA President Pat Smith presented webinar to school nurses in Souderton, PA School District, 5.16.23 The PowerPoint includes an overview of Lyme and other tick-borne diseases in the US. Included is the geographic spread of Lyme, statistics, other tick-borne diseases with causes, testing availability, and ticks that transmit the diseases with maps of their ranges. She also spoke about prevention, Lyme in pets, treatment guidelines, chronic Lyme, research and legislation.

There was also a segment about the effects of Lyme on school children and what steps schools can take to help students with Lyme disease based on her

experience as an advocate for children with Lyme for several decades. Read more.

Watch the video.

USDA Approves Mouse Vaccine Against Spread of Lyme

Read the press release.

Borrelia Burgdorferi Bacterin

US Biologic, Inc., published on PR Newswire, 5.09.23, “USDA Approves Novel Vaccine Against Wildlife Spread of the Bacterium

Responsible for Lyme Disease.” US Biologic, Inc., a leading developer and distributor of oral-delivery vaccines, announced the USDA Conditional Licensure of its novel oral vaccine against the spread of Borrelia burgdorferi in mice. Read more.

Lone Star Ticks Infected With Bourbon Virus in NJ

A Rising Health Risk

Journal of Medical Entomology (Egizi, A, et al.) 5.10.23, published “Lone star ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) infected with Bourbon virus in New Jersey, USA.” The objective of this study is to highlight the health risks

associated with the growing population of the lone star tick, Amblyomma americanum, in Monmouth County, NJ. Studies have shown that lone star ticks now have much higher numbers than the blacklegged (deer) tick, Ixodes scapularis in that county. Read more.

Bourbon Virus particles, Credit: CDC

Access the study.

Alerting Rheumatologists

Read the paper.

Be Aware of Common Neurologic Lyme Symptoms

Pathogens (Govil, S., et al.) published 4.9.23, “Common Neurologic Features of Lyme Disease That May Present to a Rheumatologist.” The objective of the paper is to alert rheumatologists, especially those in the United States, of distinctive neurologic Lyme disease symptoms which would necessitate a referral to a neurologist familiar with the disease. Read more.

NCIPM Free Tick Handout: Maps, Photos, Life Cycles

View the alert.

Free Print Copies Available

The North Central IPM Center has released The North Central IPM Center National “Ticks and Tick-Borne Diseases Pest Alert,” April 2023, which has been updated in time for May Awareness 2023. The Center is one of four regional centers funded by the USDA to adopt effective integrated pest management strategies. NCIPM links partnerships and communications networks in 12-state North Central region of the US and is currently housed at Michigan State University. Read more.

ATTENTION! Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Fellowship Program Seeking Candidates




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