Can the shel yad be taken off before the shel rosh?

The Gemara proves from the pasuk in Shema that the tefillin shel yad should be put on before the tefillin shel rosh. Upon removing the tefillin, one must be careful to remove the shel rosh before the shel yad. One who mistakenly picks up his shel rosh first should put it down and put on the shel yad instead. If he has already put on the shel rosh, it should not be removed and the shel yad should be put on afterwards.

[סעיף ו, ס"ק כב, וביה"ל ד"ה פגע]

How should the tefillin be situated when reciting the brocha?

The proper time to recite a brocha over a mitzvah is immediately prior to its fulfillment. Therefore, one should recite the brocha over the shel yad after it is already in place on his arm, just before tightening it. Similarly, the brocha on the shel rosh should be said once it is on the head, before the straps are tightened. If one failed to recite a brocha at the proper time, the brocha may be said as long the tefillin are still in place. If the tefillin were put on while it was still nighttime, the wearer should touch his tefillin and recite a brocha when the proper time arrives.

[סעיף ח וס"ק כה-כז; ביאורים ומוספים דרשו, 35]

When does one recite three brochos on tefillin?

It is forbidden to speak between putting on the shel yad and the shel rosh. Likewise, a person should not take an unnecessary break between donning the two tefillin. One should not point or make motions during this time, either. If one did speak, the halacha is as follows: According to the opinion that only one brocha is generally made, one should recite a second brocha of al mitzvas over the shel rosh in this case. According to the other view, which holds that two brochos are made, the brocha of lehaniach is recited again on the shel rosh in this case. Before saying the brocha of lehaniach, one should touch the shel yad and move it out of its place so that the brocha can apply to the shel yad as well. Others say that the brocha of al mitzvas should be said first. After saying the brocha of lehaniach, the shel yad should be moved out of its place and then returned.

[סעיף ט, ס"ק כח, כט ו־לב, וביה"ל ד"ה ואם וד"ה ולדידן]
  • The poskim write that when donning tefillin, a person should have the simple intention to be yotzei the mitzvah and should also focus on its special significance. 

  • According to many Rishonim, only one brocha is recited before putting on tefillin. This brocha -- lehaniach -- is recited prior to putting on the shel yad, and it also covers the shel rosh. Shulchon Aruch follows this view. Rema follows the view of other Rishonim who hold that an additional brocha of al mitzvas tefillin is said before putting on the shel rosh.

  • A person who mistakenly recites a brocha or says the name of Hashem in vain should immediately say the verse boruch shem k’vod malchuso l’olom voed. Rambam explains that the brocha or name of Hashem are thus linked to a praise of Hashem, so that they are not recited without a purpose.

  • May one answer Borchu between the shel yad and shel rosh?

  • What is the proper time to wrap the straps around the fingers?

  • When should the shel rosh not be removed from its case?
PLEASE NOTE: The information in this email is for learning purposes only. Please review the Mishna Berura and Biurim U'Musafim before making a halachic decision. Hebrew words are occasionally transliterated to enable a smoother reading of the text. Common Ashkenazi pronunciation is generally used in these cases.
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