How many tzitzis strings hang in each corner?

The Torah describes the tzitzis strings as gedilim. Chazal understand this to mean that the tzitzis on each corner should be made from four strings. The word g’dil (twine), by definition, refers to two strings that are spun together. Since the Torah writes g’dil in the plural—gedilim--there should be a total of four strings. The Torah states that each of the strings should be psil, a term related to a wick which is made from two connected strands. Chazal explain that each of the four strings should be folded in half, for a total of eight strings per corner. If there are fewer than four strings per corner, the tzitzis are not kosher.
[שו"ע יא, יב, ומשנ"ב נח-ס]

How many knots do tzitzis have?

Min haTorah, the method of making tzitzis is as follows: The strings are tied to the garment with a double knot. Then the longest string is wrapped around the other seven strings three times and they are tied together with a double knot. Mid’rabonon, additional knots and krichos (wrappings) are necessary. In total, there should be five sets of double knots. The number five corresponds to the Chamisha Chumshei Torah. These knots also serve to protect to the original knot, which is required min haTorah. The ten single knots correspond to the Eser Sefiros.

[שו"ע יא, יד, ומשנ"ב סה; וראה ביה"ל י, ד"ה ונתקו; וראה ביאורים ומוספים דרשו, 76]

What is the segulah to prevent toothaches?

Cutting the stones for the mizbeyach with a steel blade is prohibited min haTorah. Based on this concept, some are stringent about not cutting their tzitzis strings with a knife. Some say that this restriction only applies when the tzitzis are made originally. After the knots are made, they may be cut. Others extend the prohibition, applying it even after the tzitzis are knotted and are only being trimmed. The proper way to cut the tzitzis is by biting them. The thirty-two teeth correspond to the thirty-two tzitzis strings. Some say that at the time of reciting the brocha over the tallis, one should have in mind that l’hisatef b’tzitzis corresponds to the thirty-two pathways of wisdom. This will serve as a protection from toothaches in the thirty-two teeth.

[משנ"ב יא, סא; ביאורים ומוספים דרשו, 71]
  • If the hole was made properly when the tzitzis were hung but it later ripped or widened to an area close to the edge of the garment, the tzitzis are still kosher. The halacha only demands that the tzitzis should be made properly at the outset, not that the hole must remain in that spot.

  • There is a concern that if people were to see a person wearing tzitzis with a ripped hole, they might come to think that the tzitzis were made l’chatchilah in that fashion. To prevent this misunderstanding, Rema quotes the custom of sewing a border around the hole so that it should not rip.  

  • If a garment has an extension which is not woven properly, it is not considered a part of the garment. Therefore, the tzitzis should only be hung from the actual garment and not the extension. 

  • How many krichos should be on each of the tzitzis?

  • How should the tzitzis be situated on the corner of the garment?

  • Can another material be added the corner of the garment?
PLEASE NOTE: The information in this email is for learning purposes only. Please review the Mishna Berura and Biurim U'Musafim before making a halachic decision. Hebrew words are occasionally transliterated to enable a smoother reading of the text. Common Ashkenazi pronunciation is generally used in these cases.
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