Pesach Sheini is a Yom Tov that came into being through a group of special people. They so much desired to partake in every mitzvah, even one that they were totally exempted from. They were gifted with tremendous siyata dishmaya to become the catalyst for the institution of Pesach Sheini. Their unbridled cheishek was not merely the harbinger for this mitzvah. They can also claim credit for the huge amount of Torah generated by the new sugya of Pesach Sheini in the Torah and in the Mishnayos, Gemorah, Rishonim, and the Acharonim. Every generation is bequeathed a specific dosage of siyata dishmaya and obviously this group grabbed a large chunk of it.

The Chofetz Chaim was once honored to speak in Yeshivas Toras Chesed in the city of Lodz. He began as follows.

“Not long ago, Rav Akiva Eiger lived amongst us. His words literally light up every home and Bais Medresh. His words are like the Urim Vitumim. He was a beacon of light for his generation and for all the following ones. His questions are most incisive, and his answers are beyond brilliant. Every word that he uttered brought simcha to his listeners. He enjoyed incredible siyata dishmaya beyond the norm. I am confounded why, particularly, Rav Akiva Eiger was zoche to this, whereas great people who, both preceded him and followed him, did not merit this type of hatzlacha.

I pondered this for a long time, and I finally arrived at a very simple answer. During Rav Akiva Eiger’s lifetime the winds of enlightenment and haskala were spreading rapidly and infiltrating the frume yishuv. Chareidi households were losing their youth to the new-fangled modern ideology and abandoning the Torah way of life. Batei Medresh were being emptied as many talmidim fell prey to the new winds of reform. Yeshivos were shuttering their doors and the Torah was forlorn and left in a corner abandoned with disinterest. During this difficult time, Rav Akiva Eiger strengthened the fortresses of Torah, promulgating its importance coupled with his yiras shomayim. He became the pillar that the entire Klal Yisroel relied upon for leadership and direction.

Hashem proportions specific amounts of siyata dishmaya for every generation. In this generation it was neglected. Rav Akiva Eiger merited to gain the generation’s entire dose of siyata dishmaya for himself. Thus, he was zoche to become the undisputed leader for his times.”

The Chofetz Chaim concluded, “We live in an era of Torah-neglect and persecution by those haters of Torah. The value of Torah in the world has greatly deflated. Specifically in these times, siyata dishmaya is guaranteed to all who devote themselves fervently to limud haTorah”.
This is the Pesach Sheini message. There is a package of siyata dishmaya ready for distribution. Grab it when the interest level is low, and you are guaranteed great hatzlacha.

May one respond to Borchu between the shel yad and shel rosh?

It is forbidden to speak--even a davar sheb’kedusha--between putting on the tefillin shel yad and shel rosh. A davar sheb’kedusha includes answering Yehei Shmei Rabba, Borchu and Kedusha. As we have learned, a person who spoke may have to recite one or two brochos (the opinions differ) before putting on the shel rosh. One who spoke a davar shebekudah, however, only has to say the brocha of al mitzvas and not the brocha of l’honiach. If one spoke about matters pertaining to the tefillin (although it is forbidden to do so), he does not have to say any extra brochos.

[סעיף י, ס"ק לד ו־לו, וביה"ל ד"ה אם]

When is the proper time to wrap the straps around the arm?

There are three steps to laying the tefillin shel yad: tightening the bayis on the upper arm, wrapping the straps around the lower arm, and wrapping the straps around the palm and middle finger. Shulchon Aruch rules that one should put on his shel rosh immediately after the first step of tightening the bayis, and afterwards he should continue with the second and third steps. Many people have the custom to follow the view of the Arizal, who holds that the shel rosh should be put on after wrapping the straps around the lower part of the arm. Some explain that if one fails to do so, the bayis will fall out of its place on the upper arm.

[סעיף יא וס"ק לח]

When may the shel rosh be removed from its case?

One should not remove the shel rosh from its bag prior to putting on the shel yad. Taking it out beforehand would be a transgression of the rule of ein ma’avirin al hamitzvos. According to the Kabbalistic sources, it is even improper to take them out at the same time. If they were both already removed from the bag, the shel rosh should not be prepared by undoing its straps before putting on the shel yad.

[סעיף יא וס"ק לט ו־מא]
  • The Gemara proves from the pasuk in Shema that the tefillin shel yad should be put on before the tefillin shel rosh. Upon removing the tefillin, one must be careful to remove the shel rosh before the shel yad.

  • The proper time to recite a brocha over a mitzvah is immediately prior to its fulfillment. Therefore, one should recite the brocha over the shel yad after it is already in place on his arm, just before tightening it.

  • It is forbidden to speak between putting on the shel yad and the shel rosh. Likewise, a person should not take an unnecessary break between donning the two tefillins. One should not point or make motions during this time, either.

  • If one takes off his tefillin, must he make a new brocha when he puts them back on?

  • Is a new brocha said before repositioning tefillin if they slip out of place?

  • Gemara versus Kabbalah: Which view should be followed?
PLEASE NOTE: The information in this email is for learning purposes only. Please review the Mishna Berura and Biurim U'Musafim before making a halachic decision. Hebrew words are occasionally transliterated to enable a smoother reading of the text. Common Ashkenazi pronunciation is generally used in these cases.
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