Is a new brocha necessary if one puts his tallis back on after taking it off?

According to Shulchon Aruch, a person who removes his tallis must recite another brocha when he puts it back on. This is true even if he planned to put it back on again after he took it off. However, if he had this plan in mind at the time he originally made the brocha, a new brocha is not necessary. Although some opinions disagree with the Shulchon Aruch, it is appropriate to have this intention in mind when first reciting the brocha so that all opinions are satisfied. If a considerable amount of time passed before the tallis was put back on, this solution is no longer effective and a new brocha is necessary. The poskim offer various opinions on how much time must go by before a new brocha is required.

[שו"ע ח, יד, משנ"ב לו, וביה"ל ד"ה אם, וד"ה ויש; ביאורים ומוספים דרשו, 52 ו־54]

Does one have to make a new brocha if he momentarily takes off his tallis during davening?

Rema rules that if a person intended to put his tallis back on very soon after taking it off, a new brocha is not necessary. If he planned to take a considerable break, he must make a new brocha. If a person removed his tallis gadol without any specific plans, a new brocha is not necessary if he continued to wear his tallis katon. If one takes off his tallis in the middle of davening (e.g. to use the bathroom), it can be assumed that he intends to put it back on. On the other hand, if the tallis was folded and put away, it is clear that he had no intention of putting it back on.

[שו"ע ח, יד, ומשנ"ב לז-לח]

Is a new brocha necessary if a person relocated while eating?

If a person was meshaneh makom (he changed his place) while eating, he is required to make a new brocha in certain cases. For example, if one was eating certain foods and walked outside, he must recite a new brocha if he wishes to continue eating. If he walked into a different room in the same house, a new brocha is not necessary as long as the initial brocha was recited with relocation in mind. Contemporary poskim disagree about whether walking from a private apartment into a shared stairwell is considered leaving the house.

[שו"ע ח, יג, ומשנ"ב לד-לה; ביאורים ומוספים דרשו, 50-49]
  • A person who was not planning to wear more than one four-cornered garment but later changed his mind must recite another brocha. This is the case even if the additional clothing was in front of him at the time of the first brocha.

  • The poskim disagree about whether halicha havei hefsek (walking is an interruption). This question is relevant in cases where one made a brocha on a mitzvah and intended to repeat the mitzvah at another location. Is the change in location considered a hefsek which would necessitate a new brocha?

  • Mentioning Hashem’s name in vain (i.e. not in the context of a brocha) is forbidden min haTorah.

  • Is a new brocha necessary when putting on a tallis that fell off in the middle of davening?

  • Is a new brocha necessary if a person wears his tzitzis while sleeping?

  • Can a brocha be changed when a person is in the middle of reciting it?
PLEASE NOTE: The information in this email is for learning purposes only. Please review the Mishna Berura and Biurim U'Musafim before making a halachic decision. Hebrew words are occasionally transliterated to enable a smoother reading of the text. Common Ashkenazi pronunciation is generally used in these cases.
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