May old tzitzis be removed from a garment? 

It is forbidden to remove tzitzis strings from a garment unless one intends to affix them to another garment. If, however, the garment is no longer able to be used for the mitzvah (e.g. if a corner was cut off, if it is being sold to a non-Jew or if it is falling apart), removing the strings is permitted. If the owner wishes to replace the strings with nicer tzitzis, they can also be removed. The poskim disagree about whether old strings may be torn and rendered non-kosher during their removal or whether they must be removed in their entirety.

[שו"ע טו, א, ומשנ"ב ג]

Can tzitzis be transferred from a wool garment to a cotton garment?  

As mentioned, tzitzis strings can be removed from one garment with the intention of placing them on another garment. If it is possible to leave the strings on the original garment and use new ones for the second garment, however, doing so is recommended. It is forbidden to remove the strings from one garment in order to place them on a garment which has less of an obligation to have tzitzis. Thus, tzitzis may not be transferred from an adult’s garment to a garment of a child. The poskim disagree about whether--according to the view of the Shulchon Aruch--it is permissible to remove strings from wool or linen garments, which are required min haTorah to have tzitzis, and affix them to garments made from other materials, which are only obligated mid’rabonon.

[שו"ע טו, א, ומשנ"ב א-ב; וראה משנ"ב יב ב]

Must tzitzis be reaffixed to a garment which was split in half?

[שו"ע טו, ב-ג, ומשנ"ב ז-ט; וראה ביאורים ומוספים דרשו, 4 ;וראה שו"ע טז, א]
  • One may borrow someone else’s tallis and tefillin without his permission. It can be assumed that the owner would allow another person to use his objects for the sake of a mitzvah.

  • The above-mentioned halacha only applies to a mitzvah object that is used for a limited amount of time, such as daled minim, tallis or tefillin. Seforim, on the other hand, may not be used without permission. Since learning from a sefer is not restricted to a certain amount of time, the owner might not want his seforim to be used for fear of their getting ruined.

  • A shared garment is required to have tzitzis. This halacha applies even if one of the owners is exempt from tzitzis (e.g. a woman or non-Jew). In such a case, however, a brocha is not recited. 

  • Can a ripped tzitzis garment be repaired?

  • Can a remnant of sewing thread be used for tzitzis?

  • Can tzitzis be attached to a repaired corner?
PLEASE NOTE: The information in this email is for learning purposes only. Please review the Mishna Berura and Biurim U'Musafim before making a halachic decision. Hebrew words are occasionally transliterated to enable a smoother reading of the text. Common Ashkenazi pronunciation is generally used in these cases.
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