April 2, 2021
A Message from Our Pastor
Metropolitan, I greet you in the Name of our Risen Savior.

As we continue in our Holy Week celebration, I want to invite you to continue to tune into our upcoming Livestream services! Last night we were blessed by a wonderful message by Dr. Wallace Charles Smith. It was a pleasure to celebrate Maundy Thursday with him and the Shiloh Baptist Church Family.

This evening, we will reflect on the prolific words uttered by our Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ with our 7 Last Words Service: Young Adult Edition at 7 PM ET. Rev. Marc Lavarin, Min. Rashaad Khaalid, Rev. Elisha James Waters, Min. Diamond Gantt, Rev. Reggie Wise, Rev. Rickey Harvey Jr., and Rev. Marissa Farrow will be preaching. Don't miss this opportunity to get a glimpse of teaching and exegesis from these young prophets!

Lastly, I will bring a Special Resurrection message on Sunday! Wear your Resurrection Sunday attire at home and post photos in REALM to share with our Metropolitan Family! Services are at 7:30 AM, 10 AM, and 1 PM! Just log in to metropolitanbaptist.org or visit our Facebook page. I look forward to worshipping with you! See you in the chat rooms! Stay safe, stay well, and remember Metropolitan Cares!

In Christ,

Pastor Watson

P.S. Get those Bible Challenge forms submitted to Rev. Adriane!
6th Pastoral Anniversary Celebration

Celebrating Dr. Maurice WatsonAn Instrument of God’s Grace

And of His fullness we have all received, and grace for grace. ~John 1:16

On April 18, 2021, Metropolitan will celebrate the 6th Pastoral Anniversary of our beloved Pastor and First Lady, Dr. Maurice and Mrs. Janice Watson! God has blessed our Church Family with immeasurable grace, poured out through the leadership, steadfastness, integrity, spiritual insight, and preaching gifts and prowess of Dr. Maurice Watson. Walking and working by his side with love and grace is our much-loved First Lady, Mrs. Janice Watson.

Let’s come together to celebrate Pastor’s 6th Anniversary; it’s our anniversary, too! Here’s how we can celebrate:

  • Pray for God’s continued blessings on Pastor and Mrs. Watson and their family.
  • Deliver your cards, gifts, and tokens in person by joining Metropolitan’s Pastor’s Partners and Diaconate Ministries for an Anniversary Drive-thru on April 18, at the Church, from 1:30 PM – 3 PM. 
  • Send your anniversary gifts via online giving through metropolitanbaptist.org or REALM; remember to select “Pastor’s Appreciation”.
  • Text a giving amount to 301-888-6225—indicate Pastor’s Appreciation.
  • Mail your cards, gifts, and tokens to the Church at 1200 Mercantile Lane, Suite 115B, Largo, MD 20774.
  • Send your gifts via Cash App to $drmoe60.
  • Dress in your finest purple and white on April 18, 2021 and send your photo to [email protected] or post it on REALM with a special message for Pastor and Mrs. Watson.
  • Chat with Pastor Watson in the chat rooms on April 18 and send him anniversary wishes.
  • Send Pastor and Mrs. Watson a video greeting from your family to theirs at [email protected].

We might be physically separated, but we won’t let that stop us from celebrating “Dr. Maurice Watson—God’s Instrument of Grace.” 

6th Pastoral Anniversary Drive-thru on April 18, 2021

Please join Metropolitan’s Pastor’s Partners for a very special Anniversary Drive-thru Celebration honoring Dr. Maurice and First Lady Janice Watson’s 6th Pastoral Anniversary on Sunday, April 18, 2021, from 1:30 PM to 3 PM.

Everyone looks forward to seeing Pastor and Mrs. Watson. We want show them how much we care for them by showering them with cards, gifts, and tokens of love and appreciation. You will bless their spirits by sharing in this touchless celebration. We might be physically separated, but we can celebrate and show love while we “socially distance.” 

Metropolitan’s Pastor’s Partners and Diaconate Ministries are excited to host this celebration, and we hope you are, too. We'll see you on Anniversary Sunday, April 18, 2021, from 1:30 PM – 3 PM. It’s going to be a great time as we celebrate Dr. Maurice Watson—An Instrument of God’s Grace.”

Questions? Please contact Sister Brenda Courtney at [email protected] or Servant BJ Brooks at [email protected].
Upcoming Worship
He is Risen, Risen Indeed
He is not here; he has risen! 
~Luke 24:6-7 (NKJV)

Worship with us on Sunday, April 4, 2021, for Resurrection Day worship service as we celebrate the death and resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Join us at either our 7:30 AM or 10 AM ET worship service via our Facebook page, on our website, or via Zoom at 1 PM ET. You can also listen on Praise DC 104.1 FM at 6:30 PM ET.
Worship With Us!
on Online, Facebook, and the Radio!

Invite those you care about to join us for Worship every Sunday on our webpage, metropolitanbaptist.org, or on Facebook at 7:30 AM or 10 AM ET.

You can Zoom at 1 PM ET too! Click here or dial 1-301-715-8592. The access code is 98471497616#, and the meeting ID is 98471497616. 

Then, join us every Sunday night at 6:30 PM ET, to hear Pastor Watson preach God's Word on Praise 104.1 FM or at praisedc.com!
Looking for past Worship Services?
Thank you for your continued giving!

Metropolitan Cares about demonstrating the love of God in word and deed.

Our financial stewardship gives witness to putting God's Word into action.
Our Tithing Affirmation
We are a tithing church because:
The Word of God teaches tithing.
Our experience gives witness to tithing.
Our obedience to God requires tithing.

Questions about giving? Contact Rev. Brenda Girton-Mitchell.

Mail: Metropolitan Baptist Church - 1200 Mercantile Lane, Suite 115 B, Largo, MD 20774
Text any amount to: 301-888-6225

To learn more about our 5 giving options, visit: https://metropolitanbaptist.org/donate/
Metro Cares Fellowship / Benevolence Fund
The MetroCares Fellowship/Benevolence Fund was established to provide financial assistance to members of our Church Family and community who have been impacted by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Thanks to your generosity, we have assisted families with food, rent, clothing, utilities, and other emergency needs.
Please continue to support the fund with your gifts and don’t hesitate to let us know if we can serve you. You can contact us at [email protected]. 
By Betty Entzminger

For I fully expect and hope that I will never be ashamed, but that I will continue to be bold for Christ, as I have been in the past. And I trust that my life will bring honor to Christ, whether I live or die.
~Philippians 1:20 NKJV

As I consider my path through this amazing journey, I have gained a greater appreciation for my opening quote. I have discovered that God is aware of my every move because I am now, and always have been, securely seated in the hollow of His hand. He designed my path, plotted my course, and He orchestrates my steps; so that every step brings me closer to manifesting His plan for my life.

I did not grow up with a silver spoon as some might say, but I was taught strong values by a mother who was deeply rooted in God. Her philosophy and favorite Scriptures are, “God can do anything but fail” (Luke 1:37) and “You have not because you ask not.” (James 4:2) "When you trust Him your values extend beyond material possessions and accolades.” Those nuggets have sustained me through my most difficult times.

When you are down to nothing, God is always up to something…
God sees you, knows where you are, and can put His hands on you in the twinkling of an eye!

My most challenging life moment happened on October 1, 2014. The loss of my job created a domino effect, and after living in my apartment for over 16 years, my daughters and I were evicted. I will never forget the sense of loss and failure I felt. I was so traumatized I could not see past the pain that consumed me. Losing my job, becoming homeless, and then having my possessions auctioned off left me devastated. However, this experience helped me do some deep soul searching. God has a way of getting our attention when we think we are in control, but our lives are spinning out of control. I realized enough is enough so I evicted pride and ego fully surrendering to God.

Blessings began to unfold immediately. My life is by no means problem-free because challenges are a part of this journey, but my blessings overshadow my battles by far. There is simply not enough time or space to expound on every encounter and adventure I’ve experienced on this journey…and my journey is not over!

This has truly been a journey of gratitude and of experiencing miracle after miracle. One thing for sure, I will always remember that it is because of God’s Grace and Mercy that I made it through to tell of His goodness. Philippians 1:12-26 became my roadmap. I believe God’s plan is that He may be most glorified in us, through us being satisfied in Him. If we follow the path God has for us, God will be glorified; and we will walk confidently knowing there is a Power that is Bigger, Stronger, and Greater than us working on our behalf.
Heavenly Father, I thank You that You are always with me and leading me to the victory that has been won already through Jesus Christ. Help me to trust You more. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

What Scripture anchors you during challenging times?
Church Family Check-in
Let us know how you're doing. We would love to hear from you!
Mrs. Adelaide Harris was pleasantly surprised when her Metropolitan Family celebrated
her 99th birthday on Sunday, March 21, with cards, gifts, sweets,
and a Drive-thru of countless Metropolitan members.

Pictured left, left to right, Servant Larry Sampson, Mrs. Harris, and Sister Charlotte Brookins-Hudson.
Pictured right, Mrs. Harris surrounded by just a few of her many Metropolitan Family well-wishers!


Let us know how you are doing by checking in with us. We want to hear from you. The Coronavirus pandemic is forcing us to connect more and in unique ways. Keep sharing your stories and photos of how you are spending your days involved in ministry virtually or from a distance. 

Bereavement Ministry
The Bereavement Ministry is offering GriefShare SPRING Session virtually via Zoom!  

The Spring session is a 13-week series that
includes various topics: 

• Is Grief Normal?
• Guilt and Anger 
• Challenges of Grief
• Establishing a New Normal after Grief
Register today and join us on Wednesdays through May 26 at 10 AM or 7 PM ET by way of video or telephone conference. You can complete the required registration anytime on REALM or by contacting the Bereavement Ministry. If you have lost a spouse, child, family member, or friend, we encourage you to take part in this support group that will provide you with the tools to go through the grieving process during this difficult time! Please register on REALM or contact Sister Von Bailey, Ministry Leader, at [email protected] or 301-661-0518.
Caregivers Ministry
Are you a caregiver who is caring for a loved one? The MBC Caregivers Ministry is here for YOU!

We know that COVID-19 has presented extra challenges as you struggle to meet the needs of your loved ones while trying to safely maintain your homes, telework, and care for your children. To support you, share in your challenges, and provide useful information for your caregiving journey, the Caregivers Ministry hosts a series of monthly virtual events via Google Meet on the THIRD THURSDAY OF EACH MONTH. Please join us for our next meeting which will be held on Thursday, April 15, 2021, at 7 PM.

Former caregivers are also welcomed. Your caregiving experience can be a blessing to others who are challenged with the struggles of caring for loved ones.

You may register for the events on REALM or send an email to [email protected].
For more information, please contact Larry Thomas at (240)731-6398.
Christian Discipleship Council
Dear Metropolitan Family:

Welcome to the 40-Days of Power Lenten Season for 2021! Our theme for this year is God Still Speaks: How to Hear the Voice of God and is inspired by the words penned in the book of 1 Samuel, “Speak LORD, for Your servant is listening.” (1 Samuel 3:9 NKJV)

On January 20, during our Prayer Summit, Dr. Cynthia Turner Wood served as our facilitator as we discussed “Growing in Wisdom to Discern God’s Next Move” which set us on the course of hearing from God. 
This year we are doing a little something different for our Lenten Devotional; each week we will share an inspirational meditation in the Daily Bread for your edification. As we reflect on the salvific work of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, our hope is to bring God’s Word into your daily life with each devotion you read. As you meditate on the Scriptures, creatively find ways to apply the lessons, and prayerfully seek God for guidance and direction. We believe this experience will only enhance your spiritual development and maturity. 
In addition to reading our weekly devotional, there are a variety of ways you can engage in feeding your spirit during this season:
•       Join us for a Church-Wide Bible Study beginning Tuesday, February 23 for a new teaching series God Still Speaks: How to Hear the Voice of God.  Whisper by Mark Batterson will serve as our study guide. Books can be purchased on Amazon.com (paperback, hardcopy, and Kindle). In this 10-week series, we will explore God’s desire to speak to His people and how He often speaks in a whisper…not to make it difficult to hear Him, but to draw US closer to Him. Staff Ministers will rotate in teaching each week and a schedule is provided below.  Register on REALM or email [email protected].
•       Participate in our ARK (Acts of Random Kindness) Project.  Each week, members are encouraged to do at least one act of random kindness. We are asking that you share photos and videos of your Acts of Random Kindness with us via REALM or by emailing them to [email protected].
•       Call in for the Morning Glory Prayer Call, every weekday from 6 - 6:30 AM (See Prayer Calendar).
Conference Call Information: 
1-515-604-9589; Access Code: 251509

Sis. Charlotte Hudson, Dr. Shirley Jackson, Rev. Terri LaVelle, Rev. Angela Love, Rev. Arnette Georges, Sis. Frances Hartwell, Rev. Brenda Girton-Mitchell, and Sis. Traci Miller will join me as prayer leaders throughout the week. 
•       And The Bible Challenge is back! We are reading the book of Isaiah. Forms can be downloaded from the Daily Bread. This year we will have three (3) prizes awarded in the form of Visa gift cards; 1st place - $75.00, 2nd place - $50.00, and 3rd place $25.00 winners!
Pastor Watson continues to remind us that we all have a responsibility to grow our church, but more importantly to keep the Great Commission by sharing the Good News with others in our sphere of influence. Please invite people to join us for Worship on Sundays (see service times and platforms above). 
Metropolitan, we have been given our marching orders to demonstrate to this community just how much WE CARE!  
In Christ,
Rev. Adriane Blair Wise
Minister of Christian Spiritual Formation

Register for Bible Study on REALM or email [email protected]

Sunday School is offered online on Sundays at  8:45 AM  (ET) via Zoom. 
All are invited to attend. 

Register here to go to Sunday School! 
You can join us by phone, too! 
 Dial-in: 1-929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 488 950 666
Password: 077390

Quarter Theme: Prophets Faithful to God's Covenant

April 4, 2021
Salvation is Sealed
Bible Background: Isaiah 52:13-1-53:12; Luke 24:1-35
Devotional Reading: Philippians 2:1-11

Upcoming Weekly Lessons:

April 11, 2021
Ezra: Faith and Action Preacher
Bible Background: Ezra 9-10
Devotional Reading: Ezekiel 18:25-32

April 18, 2021
Nehemiah: The Captive Cupbearer Rebuilds a Nation
Bible Background: Nehemiah 2:11-20; 13:1-22
Devotional Reading: Daniel 9

April 25, 2021 
A Plea for Restoration
Bible Background: Lamentations 5
Devotional Reading: 3:22-33

This week's Lesson:
Salvation is Sealed

The traumatic impact of the crucifixion remains with us even today. It is hard to think about the physical act itself without weeping. Our Lord Jesus faced an untenable situation that led to the most brutal death ever witnessed. His death was gruesome and humiliating. He was scourged with whips that had iron balls tied a few inches from the end of each leather thong. He was forced to carry His own crossbeam (cross) as His body was covered with open wounds. He was in acute pain and experienced loss of blood. Five to seven inch nails were hammered into His wrists as He was nailed to the crossbeam horizontally; the crossbeam was then raised, and then they nailed Him to the vertical beam with nails hammered into his feet. A crown of thorns was placed on His head. To ensure death, His legs were broken, and He was pierced in His side. Yes, this was indeed a traumatic event.
Trauma is that unique individual or collective experience of an event or enduring condition in which one’s ability to integrate his or her emotional experience is overwhelmed. There is a sense of powerlessness in the face of extreme fear, danger, or threat to life or bodily integrity. Trauma can have a lasting adverse effect on the individual’s mental, physical, social, or emotional functioning. Trauma can be a shared experience of members of a group. When Christ was crucified, there was an overwhelming sense of fear and uncertainty. Many of His followers went into hiding and others fled. Some were in denial and others longed for their beloved leader. As they reflected on the event itself, some disciples wondered aloud what would become of them. The followers of Jesus experienced collective trauma.
Bible Background ~Isaiah 52-53; Luke 24:1-35
Devotional Reading ~Philippians 2:1-11                                     
In this week’s lesson, we encounter two of Jesus’ followers. They were walking and discussing the events of the last few days. They were discussing what they had just lived through (the crucifixion) and pondered how things could have come to such an end. As they walked and talked, Jesus joined them on the road to Emmaus (about seven miles from Jerusalem) in conversation. He asked them in Luke 24:17, "You seem to be in a deep conversation about something, what are you so concerned about?” They shared with Him what they had witnessed, how troubled they were by the events – expressing profound grief as they explained the loss of their Master. They believed they were talking with a stranger and were sullen and heavy ladened as they poured out their emotions. Jesus began to share with them Scripture and what was predicted by the prophet--that the Messiah would have to suffer all these things before entering into His glory (vs. 25-26.) Upon their arrival at Emmaus, they asked that He remain with them for the night. He agreed to do so. They did not recognize who He was until He broke bread, blessed it, and then gave it to them to eat. 
Join us this week as we explore Jesus’ response to the traumatic events surrounding His death, burial, and resurrection. 
By the end of the lesson we will,
  1. IDENTIFY the connections between the Suffering Servant in Isaiah 52:13-53:12 and the resurrected Christ in Luke 24,  
  2. AFFIRM the joy of knowing the Suffering Servant is the resurrected Jesus Christ, and   
  3. SHARE the story of the Suffering Servant, who is the resurrected Jesus Christ. 
“And their eyes were opened, and they knew him; and he vanished out of their sight.”
~Luke 24:31 (KJV)
Join Metropolitan for one of our many Prayer Calls!
 You may join any call, anytime, regardless of the group leading. 
If you need prayer, we ALL want to pray with you!
Morning Glory Prayer Call (All members)
Daily at 6 AM
Prayer Requests: [email protected]
Dial In: 1-515-604-9589 
Access Code: 251509
EMERGE Prayer Call 
(Young Adult Ministry) 
Wednesday Night at 8 PM
Prayer Requests: [email protected]
Dial In: 605-313-5111 
Access Code: 363173  
Seniors' Bible Study and Prayer Call
Wednesdays at 12 Noon 
Prayer Requests: [email protected]
Dial In:  1-515-604-9589 
Access Code: 251509

Women's Prayer Call via Zoom
8 AM Saturdays
PrayerRequests: [email protected]
Zoom (video) here  
Dial In: 301-715-8592
Access Code: 596 609 803. 
Men's Prayer Call
Thursdays at 6 AM
Prayer Requests: [email protected]
Dial In: 563-999-1161
Access Code: 804528

Prayer requests may also be shared with the P.U.S.H. Ministry via email. 
For quick access to information about all of our calls, CLICK HERE!

If you cannot join us regularly, that's okay! Call in when you can and continue praying for Metropolitan. Remember, the prayers of the righteous availeth much! If you have any questions about any of our prayer calls, please contact  Rev. Adriane Blair Wise.
If you are seeking salvation, desiring to become a member of our Metropolitan Baptist Church Family, or if you are ready to complete your New Disciples Classes, 
please email us! We are here to help you along your salvation journey.

At Metropolitan, we CARE about the growth of your Christian Discipleship! If you are a New Member, don't miss your required classes on 1st and 2nd Saturdays all year long.
Classes are currently available on Zoom only. Registration 24 hours in advance is required via REALM. Be sure to specify the class(es) you are attending in the memo line. 

Go and Make Disciples

1st Saturday of each month
8:45 AM - Zoom will be available 
9 AM - 9:30 AM - Salvation, Dr. Vanessa Watson 
9:30 AM - 10:00 AM - Baptism, Min. Imogene Hunt
10:05 AM - 10:35 AM - Spiritual Disciplines, Rev. Regina Faison/Rev. Barbara Walker
10:35 AM -11:05 AM - Spiritual Gifts, Dr. Arthur Williams
2nd Saturday of each month
8:45 AM - Zoom will be available 
9 AM - 9:30 AM - Understanding our Heritage, Sister Margaret Flagg
9:30 AM - 10:00 AM - Stewardship and Tithing, Rev. Sylveta Brown
10:05 AM - 10:35 AM - Family and Fellowship, Servant BJ Brooks 
Each new member is also required to complete at least four Bible Study classes.
Children & Youth Ministries
Have you heard the news?!  Two years after Pastor Watson put out the call for a scouting troop at Metropolitan, that request is being fulfilled. Children & Youth Ministries will launch a Scout Troop for boys age 5-10. This endeavor is impossible without the participation of your children and the involvement of parents and general volunteers.

Parents are invited to an Information Session on Monday, April 26 at 7 PM ET via Zoom. Experienced scout leaders and Boy Scouts of America leadership will share information on troop operations and how parents can support our efforts to offer this phenomenal life-changing opportunity to our boys.

If you or a young boy in your household or community is interested, register today via REALM or contact Rev. Kevin Gresham for more information at [email protected].
Diaconate Ministry
Photo: Servant Ministry members ready for the Communion and Palm Distribution event
Photo: Servants Michelle Arnold and Rosemarie Singletary greet Sister Jovanni Washington

Metropolitan! Your Diaconate Ministry is blessed to serve you! Thank you for supporting our Communion and Palm Distribution event on Saturday, March 27, 2021. It was great to see your smiling faces and to hear your testimonies of God's goodness. We pray you and your families continue to be safe and well. We look forward to seeing you again, soon!

Join us in service to others by blessing a Senior this week with an Act of Random Kindness—surprise them with a card, a call, groceries, yard work, or some other kindness! Remember we are here to serve you. If you need a Servant, please send a message to [email protected].

Your Metropolitan Diaconate Ministry CARES about you!

EMERGE Young Adult Ministry
The EMERGE Young Adult Ministry, serving ages 18-35, hosts a weekly prayer call just for you! That's right...we CARE about your spiritual needs and prayer requests. So, young adults, join us on Wednesdays from 8 PM - 8:15 PM ET! Please send your prayer requests to [email protected]. They will remain anonymous unless otherwise stated. 
How can we pray for you this week?
Email your prayer requests to 
and someone will contact you.
Employment Ministry
So you want to work for the Federal Government? Do you know what it takes and how to land the position? Applying for and gaining employment with the federal government is different from the private sector employers.

We have information to help you navigate the federal government application and hiring process. The Metropolitan Baptist Church Employment Ministry's Guide to Federal Jobs is here to help

For more information or questions contact [email protected]
Entrepreneurship Ministry
You're invited to Metropolitan’s First Annual Business Ministry Showcase on April 7 and April 14 at 7 PM ET! Created to help Metropolitan members embrace their entrepreneurial spirits and to share business resources, the Business Ministry will serve as an ongoing resource for the business needs of the church, our members, and the surrounding community.
Join us virtually to learn more about this vibrant ministry and to meet other amazing business owners at Metropolitan. We look forward to seeing you on April 7 and April 14 for Metropolitan’s first-ever Business Ministry Showcase!

Register on REALM or email [email protected].
Health and Wellness Ministry
Get ready for Fitness Friday! Coaches Kristy Frizzell and Phyllis Davis will lead a 30-minute workout that can help relieve stress, boost your energy, and aid in achieving your personal fitness goals. Bring your enthusiasm, light to medium weights, water to hydrate, a towel, and a sturdy chair. 
Every Friday from 5:30 - 6:15 PM ET via Zoom.
All are welcome--men, women, boys and girls, friends, neighbors, and the entire family.
Advanced registration is required. Register via REALM or for more information or questions, please email [email protected] at least 24 hours in advance of the class. You will receive a Zoom link by email at least an hour before class starts.
IAMA Counseling Ministry
IAMA Counseling Ministry COVID-19 Support Group

COVID-19 has impacted our lives and communities in significant ways. Members of our Church Family are being affected in many ways by the pandemic. The IAMA Counseling Ministry's COVID-19 Support Group is for those who have lost jobs and income or loved ones, and who have suffered from the effects of the virus. The IAMA Counseling Ministry is offering a chance for you to share your story about His healing power.

God has brought us through, so where do we go from here? The COVID-19 Support Group will help you to move into what God has for us as we continue to recover.  For six weeks beginning April 12 at 7 PM, join Minister Missy Daniels, Rev. Barbara Walker, and Dr. Sherrill McMillan on this special healing and recovery journey. Register today on REALM or email [email protected].

Registration begins April 2!
Kingdom Kids
Calling all PreK3 - 5th Grade Students. The Kingdom Kids Children’s Ministry is hosting a Game Night on April 30 at 7 PM ET. Our children will engage in age-appropriate games that will be full of fun. So don't just sign yourself up for the event, invite a cousin, a friend, or a classmate to join us as well. Register on REALM or email [email protected] for details.
Matthew 25 Ministries
In need of food?

We thank everyone who continues to give to help us expand Metropolitan's services to our church family and the local community. The We Are One Body Food Pantry is now open for new registrations! We distribute fresh produce and non-perishables each Saturday to those who have requested assistance. 

If you are in need, please fill out this form and submit it to [email protected].
To request specific items, please also submit this form.

How can I help the Food Pantry? This is a wonderful question we get every week! We are still making non-perishable grab and go bags available upon request. You can help by sending financial contributions through any of our 5 giving options (designate the funds for the pantry). These funds will help us to replenish our pantry with the assistance of the Capital Area Food Bank. To request assistance or for further information, contact Rev. Brenda Girton-Mitchell at [email protected].
As Paul reminds us, "...as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith." ~Gal. 6:10 NKJV
This is one more way we show that Metropolitan Cares! 
MBC Toastmasters
Greetings, Metropolitan Family! MBC Toastmasters thanks everyone who participated in our Open House held earlier this year. We had guests from as far away as Alabama to attend. The District Leaders also recognized the success of our event. In case YOU missed it, MBC Toastmasters is still recruiting new members!

If you are looking to enhance your speech and/or enhance your leadership skills in 2021, please consider MBC Toastmasters by joining us on 2nd and 4th Wednesdays from 7 - 8:30 PM ET. Upcoming meeting dates are Wednesday, April 14, and April 28.

Register for our next meeting on REALM or email [email protected] to learn more!
Metropolitan Studio & Store and Multimedia

Multimedia orders have been suspended until further notice.

Questions? Email [email protected].

Shirt orders have been suspended until further notice.

Questions? Email Kris Hicks at [email protected].
Each week we strive to improve your Online Worship Experience. Let us hear from you! We want to know what's inspiring you, what you think we should change, and how we can better engage you. Email your feedback to [email protected]

Livestream Viewing Tips

- Consider mirroring Worship from your device to your TV for a better viewing and audio experience. (ie. use Apple TV or an app like Mirror for LG TV)

- Check that you are viewing in High Definition 
(Click the wheel icon in your viewer and make sure HD 720 or 1080 is selected)

- View via metropolitanbaptist.org from your Smart TV browser, if you have one. 
You can still chat with us from your device.

- Audio on devices (phones/tablets) is limited. Consider connecting to an external speaker.

- Join our Facebook chat or login to the chat room on our website during service! On our website viewer, just click the chat icon and login as a guest. 
For many, the viewing experience is enhanced by being able to chat, read, and interact with Pastor Watson, our Ministerial Staff, members, and guests in our chat room.

- Do NOT use Firefox or Internet Explorer as your browser. Chrome and Safari work best. 

- Do NOT have the stream open on more than one browser window. 
If you are getting delays or audio feedback/echo, this may be the reason why. 

As we hear from you, we will add more tips that may help your viewing experience. 

Technical Difficulties?

Experiencing any technical issues accessing our Worship? Please call the church at
202-238-5000 and leave us a message or email [email protected].
Music & Arts Ministry
Join Magnificat!
Members of the Music & Arts Ministry and all members of Metropolitan are invited to join Magnificat! as we celebrate our 157th year church anniversary. The first rehearsal is on Sunday, April 11, 1-2 PM ET in the MBC parking lot. The second rehearsal and taping will take place on Saturday, April 17 at 10 AM ET; the location is to be determined. Watch the Daily Bread for more information.

No dance experience is needed. You just need a willing spirit. Let's praise Him with the tambourine and DANCE!
Social Justice and Public Policy Ministry
Experiencing Economic Hardship? You're not Alone and Metropolitan Cares!

Due to the economic hardships caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, numerous relief assistance programs were created or expanded to support households and businesses. These programs, along with the economic recovery agenda proposed by the Biden-Harris administration and communal adherence to public health guidelines, are key steps towards stabilizing and improving our economic outlook.
The Social Justice and Public Policy Ministry researched and curated a consolidated list of reputable outlets for timely and accurate information on government policies, relief resources, and programs available to address economic hardships due to COVID-19. Our resource list provides links to federal, state, and local (DMV) government sites, regional utility providers, and national news outlets and organizations where you can read about housing, unemployment, and utility assistance in full detail.

We will update this list periodically as new information becomes available on the status of our economic and pandemic recovery. For more information or comments you can reach us at [email protected]
Women's Ministry
LaShondra has done the work on herself first. She’s gotten her education and more importantly, developed a strong relationship with Christ. Now, she’s ready for a man—but not just any man. She wants a Boaz, a godly man…who’s gainfully employed…and it would not hurt if he looked good, too. God answers with three out of three, but there’s a twist: her perfect man, Stelson Brown isn’t African-American.

MBC Sisters, the next Women's Ministry Book Club meeting is going to be VERY interesting as we discuss Boaz Brown by Michelle Stimpson. Join us, Friday, April 9 at 7 PM ET for a lively discussion about race and romance intertwined with timeless lessons on faith and love. Get your book from Amazon and register today on REALM or email [email protected].
MBC Sisters, it's planning time! Please join the Women's Ministry on Saturday, April 24 at 10 AM ET for our virtual planning session. We want and need your input as we plan for the rest of 2021 and 2022. Specifically, Sisters, we are seeking input on our ministry structure and how to engage all women at the different stages. Please plan to join us; we need you! Register today on REALM or email [email protected].
Chair Yoga

As we navigate the unrest of our country and our world, we must continue to seek peaceful moments in our daily lives. The Women's Ministry invites you to join us virtually, on the second Saturday of each month at 8:45 AM for Chair Yoga and Yoga Nidra. Our guide will be our very own Sister Jennifer Cover Payne and it is open to women and men. Chair Yoga will focus on appropriate stretching while using our chairs, and Yoga Nidra will be guided meditation that will allow us to reflect on the blessings of God while reaching a peaceful state. Please register on REALM at least 24 hours in advance to receive the Zoom details. 

Prayer Call

The Women's Ministry invites our MBC Sisters to join us for a weekly virtual prayer call on Saturdays at 8 AM ET. The virtual prayer calls have both a video and audio option which will work on computers, laptops, or any mobile devices (phone or tablets). To join, first register on REALMWe will send out the link via REALM and hope you will consider joining via the video option. We want to see you...and you don't have to worry about being made up unless you want to! Just come as you are. For more information on how to join Zoom, please click here.

We look forward to SEEING you on Saturday mornings at 8 AM. Feel free to email your prayer requests to [email protected]

For more information or questions about any of our events?
Submissions: Ministry leaders are now required to submit ALL Ministry announcements to their Staff Minister for approval before they are submitted for publication. This includes placements in the Daily Bread Online e-newsletter, Social Media, Realm, Sunday Video Announcements, and our website. 

Submissions are due by 5 PM on Sundays to begin appearing as soon as the upcoming Friday's publications. In the event a last-minute notification is needed (i.e. Class Cancellation), please notify Dr. Jesse Wood. 
April 1
Harold Bradshaw
Nettie Carey
Hannah Dunson
Theresa Edwards
April Young

April 2
Patricia Adkins
Francine Williams

April 3
Karen Hughes

April 4
F. Denise Gibson-Bailey
Benzena Lewis
April Murphy

April 5
Servant Sharon Hilliard

April 6
Francina Bell
Loretta Garrett

April 7
Elijah Allen

April 8
Joi Coleman
Dominic Harold
Jerald Lassiter

April 9
Catrell Brown
Christopher Jones

April 10
No Birthdays

April 11
Tiffani Jones

April 12
RiShawn Biddle
Sophia Frizzel

April 13
Betty Entzminger
Anthony Murphy Sr.
Dwight Norwood

April 14
Comora Brock
Bobbi Polston
Logan Robertson
Servant Ayana Watkins-Northern
Caleb Williams

April 15
LaToya Grant
Ellen Johnson
Dawnn Leary
Mary Mitchell
Julian Riley
Donald Strong
April 16
LaKeisha Scott
Callie Griffin
Simone Paulwell
Stephany Dinkins
Jacqueline White

April 17
Servant Michelle Arnold
Sarah Wyatt

April 18
Deborah Bullock
Bennye Crawford
Shelley Gethers
Jared Hackley
John Ladson Jr.

April 19
Tianeka Arno

April 20
Layton 'LJ' Johnson Jr.
Jennifer Lucas

April 21
Rev. Annie Lanier

April 22
Paul Bailey
William Henderson
Linda Maiden
Audrey McDowell
Servant Linda Prom
Brittany Robinson

April 23
John Clayton
Kealin Culbreath
Solomon Isaac Jr.

April 24
Dr. Tanya Marion
Anthony Robinson
Shamanda Washington

April 25
Servant John Davis
Wilda Logan
Owen McIntyre

April 26
Rev. Dr. Jesse Wood

April 27
No Birthdays.

April 28
No Birthdays.

April 29
Cornelius Henson
Sybil Randolph

April 30
Pamela Davis
Gwendolyn Abraham
Vivian Adams
William Amey   
Hallie Beaner
 Philip Bentley
Dorothy Blanding
Catherine Blue
Gregory Bolton
Joyce Brake
Delores Branch  
Maury Walker Branch
Marcia Cross Briscoe 
Susan Browner
Wilma Bryant 
Harold Butler Jr. 
Harold Butler III
Lamont Butler
Jimmy Canty
Minister Shirley Carr
Rufus Cayton
Sonja Horvath Cayton
Cassandra Chestnut
Delores B. Clark
Cecelia Clayton
Angela Cross 
Elder Delesta Cross 
The Clowers Family 
Cynthia Davis 
Gerard Davis
Yardyne Day
Erma Despertt
Terry Dismuke 
Jeanette Dugan
Robert Everheart
Matt Flavin
Talon Francis
Cora Frink
Oler Frink
Denise Cherry-Gaskins
Lillie Hammonds
Sibyl Harold
Derrick Harold 
Adeline Harris
Thelma Hauser 
Evangeline Henderson 
Bessie Hiler 
Cecil Hill
Beatrice Holloway
Trudy Horvath
Aundrea Hunt
Shawanda Hunt Howard

Dawn Jackson
Emma Jackson
Vincent James
Bridgette Johnson
Dawn Johnson
Rev. Marvin Johnson 
Arnold "Tony" Jones
Roberta Keller
Rev. Annie Lanier
Abimbola Kai-Lewis
Robin Lewis
Wilhamena Logan
Phyllis Love
Maria Majors
Barbara McDougald
Josephine McNeill
Brenda Miller
Rev. Nawanna Miller
Toni Mitchell
Albert Murray
Connie Murray
Derrick Oates
Dr. Elizabeth Palmer
Ann Pierce
Tina Reese
Ivy Rentz
Minnie Robertson
Jackie Robinson
Servant Wilma Robinson
Crystal Sayles 
Noland Sampson Sr.
Diana L. Satterwhite
Christopher Scott
Louis Sledd
Christiaan Smith
Gloria Smith
Ruth C. Smith
Sheryl Stokes
Blanche Tarpley
Roy Taylor
John Thornton
Joan Tilson
Dr. Kimberley Turner
Joan Walker
Jeanelle Branson Wallace
Shante Westmoreland
Bernadette White
Jocile Wicker
Kevin Williams
Gerald Wood
Do you know persons in need of prayer while they are healing and recovering? Submit their names to the Daily Bread! Just email the name of the persons in need of prayer and we will add them to our prayer list! 
Please keep Rev. Dr. Vanessa Watson and Family lifted in your prayers in the passing of her last uncle, Mr. L. Henry Watson, Jr. who passed at the age of 95. Final arrangements are below.

Friday, April 2, 2021
5 - 7 PM
R. L. Sanders Funeral Home
806 E. Market Street
Smithfield, NC 27577
(919) 934-8416

Homegoing Service: 
Saturday, April 3, 2021
Viewing: 10 - 11 AM
Graveside Service: 11 AM
Selma Memorial Gardens
1350 S. Pollock Street
Selma, NC 27576
(919) 965-9841
View Livestream on Facebook
Community Resources and Events
The Federal Permitting Improvement Steering Council is filling a vacancy for an Attorney-Advisor Deputy General Counsel.  The agency is small and would like to increase the representation of African Americans and other minorities.  Please see the job announcement for additional details and contact information.
************* FEMA ANNOUNCEMENT ****************
HUNT VALLEY, MD (SBG) - The Federal Emergency Management Agency will soon begin reimbursing Americans for funeral expenses of family members who passed away due to COVID-19.

Congress passed the $2 billion funding in December as part of a $900 billion stimulus bill. The funding was promoted by Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., and $260 million will be allocated to their home state of New York, which was hit hard by the pandemic last year. The two representatives want to keep the program in place for the rest of the pandemic.

Families can be reimbursed up to $7,000 for funeral expenses, retroactive to Jan. 20, 2020. Those who apply will need to submit identifying documentation of the person who died, as well as a death certificate. According to the National Funeral Directors Association <https://nfda.org/news/statistics>, the national median cost for a funeral in 2019, including viewing and burial, was $7,640.
Learn more about the District of Columbia's COVID-19 Support Hub here!
Live in DC? Need help with rent, mortgage, food or other essentials? Click here!
Get COVID Alert!

To reduce the spread of COVID-19, MD COVID Alert uses Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) technology to quickly notify users who may have been exposed to COVID-19.


Vaccination Update:
As of April 1, 2021, there were 413,000 Coronavirus cases in the State of Maryland and 8,303 deaths. Prince George's County continues to have the highest number of cases in the state -78,271. For additional information on state and county statistics, click here.

Maryland's Governor Larry Hogan provided an update on COVID-19 in Maryland on April 1, 2021; click here for more information. Maryland is currently in Phase 1C. Phase 2B for Marylanders 60 and Older began Tuesday, March 30. A summary of the State's vaccination timeline is below.

Prince George's County Executive Angela Alsobrooks provided an update on the County's COVID- 19 vaccinations; click here for more information. For updated information on Prince George's County's vaccination locations and timelines, click here.

Everyone is encouraged to educate themselves about the vaccine and to have candid conversations with their doctors and families about the vaccine.

Latest Vaccine Announcements


Vaccinations are currently available for Maryland residents in Phases 1A, 1B, and 1C. Be sure to register for the vaccine because although you may not meet the age requirement, you may fall into a special category that qualifies you for the vaccine. Register for the vaccine in your County of residence.

Phase 1A
  • Health care workers
  • Residents and staff of nursing homes
  • First responders, public safety, corrections

Phase 1B
  • Individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities
  • Assisted living, independent living, behavioral health, and developmentally disabled group homes, and other congregate facilities
  • Adults age 75 and older
  • Education and continuity of government

Phase 1C
  • Adults age 65-74
  • Essential workers in lab services, agriculture, manufacturing, postal service, grocery stores, public transit, etc.


On Tuesday, March 23, the state started to make groups in Phase 2 eligible in waves based on risk factors, including age, essential occupations, and underlying health conditions, before opening it up to the general population in Phase 3. All Marylanders 16 and older will be eligible for vaccines by Tuesday, April 27.

WHO: All Marylanders age 60 and older.
WHEN: March 23 [Preregistration OPEN NOW via covidvax.maryland.gov or 1-855-MD-GOVAX]

PHASE 2B (Current Phase)
WHO: Marylanders age 16 and older with underlying medical conditions that increase the risk for severe COVID-19 illness.
WHEN: March 30

WHO: All Marylanders age 55 and older, as well as essential workers in critical industries, including construction, food services, utilities, transportation, financial services, IT, and other infrastructure.
WHEN: April 13

WHO: General population, including healthy individuals age 16 and older.
WHEN: April 27

Please continue to exercise caution, limit non-essential trips, continue to wear face coverings, maintain physical distancing (at least 6 feet of distance between yourself and others), and practice critical hygiene actions such as washing your hands frequently with soap and water. Stay safe and stay informed!

Official data is available at coronavirus.maryland.gov.

Metropolitan Baptist Church
1200 Mercantile Lane
Suite 115 B
Largo, MD 20774
(202) 238-5000
Questions? Comments?