March 15, 2022

Give thanks to the Lord; call upon his name; make his deeds known to all people! Sing to God; sing praises to the Lord; dwell on all his wondrous works! Give praise to God’s holy name! Let the hearts rejoice of all those seeking the Lord! Pursue the Lord and his strength; seek his face always! Psalm 105:1-4 (Common English Study Bible) 
Devotion by Bev Mello 

This 56-word count passage is an action verb bonanza with give, call, make, sing, dwell, rejoice, pursue, seek – oh, my! For me, these verses certainly don’t carry an introspective somber tone for Lent. Do they to you? Count ‘em, there’s even five exclamation points. 
Perhaps that is the point. Maybe it is a good thing to remember that even during a reflective liturgical season—while considering our own mortality—it is up to us to make moments of faith happen. As disciples of Christ, we need to be an active participant pursuing the Lord’s strength and seeking God’s face rather than letting things occur happenstance. Intentionality is key. 
Have you followed a Bible study course either in person or online? Have you visited the website to see what is available under “Worship,” “Learn,” or “Serve?” Has your heart rejoiced in song together in community with other believers during worship? May our intentionality during the 2022 Lenten journey be actively giving, calling, singing, dwelling, praising, pursuing, and seeking God together.   
Have you been with others where there are not those seeking the Lord’s face and strength? How does it feel to be in a community of believers when hearts rejoice together? 
Good and most gracious God, may we invite the Holy Spirit to be with us providing direction on when, where, and how our faith is made more active and alive. With intentionality and focus, may we create holy moments of substance in faith to love more freely in our lives and with others. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Lord of Life Lutheran Church |  | 763.420.5015