Devotion for Wednesday, April 22
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13
We have all succumbed to a daily task of staying at home with children and/or spouses now for quite some time and I do not mean this in a bad way. Hours, minutes, and days of the week are no longer part of my vocabulary anymore, as I have lost track of everything. The sun comes up; the sun goes down and another day goes into the history books.
Knowing this will be repeating itself for some time we try and regroup to see what the next day will bring and hope that life will return to normal or should I say the "new normal".
In the book of Philippians, Paul claims to have learned the secret to being content whatever the situation, and he states his reasoning in this one verse. This verse tattooed on the inside of my forearm and yet I fail to live it. Why is it so hard to quit trying to solve everything by ourselves? I mean, its right here, in black and white!
To better understand what this verse is all about, as I have told my youth that its always a good to read before and after a verse that you are studying. As Paul says in (Phil 4:12) he explains why he does not get overly concerned with material needs. He said, "I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want". Paul can walk through all of this and more because the source of his strength is from Christ.
Let us think about this; Is it really that easy to live it like Paul has done? We are reminded that God does not give us anything that we cannot handle; all we must do is stop trying to solve everything on our own and turn it over to Him!
We are called to be strong, and know where our strength comes from, the strength of our Lord and Savior. When life becomes a challenge and even when it is not, let us remember this one simple verse; We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us
Let us Pray:
Loving God and Giver of strength,
As each morning breaks, we pray that You remind us that through Christ we can do all things, regardless. We pray for our friends, families and all those who are on the front lines. We pray that they have the strength and wisdom and courage that you give through your son, Jesus Christ. Amen
David Bigam - Director of Children and Youth Ministy