Devotion for Friday, April 24 
Even to your old age and gray hairs
    I am he, I am he who will sustain you.
I have made you and I will carry you;
    I will sustain you and I will rescue you.
Isaiah 46:4 (NIV)

The card was stuck into the spot where the door meets the frame, right above the door handle. The message read: "Today, I prayed for you to stay strong. There's nothing you'll face today that you and God, working together, can't handle."  How I needed those words today! I felt the warmth of the Holy Spirit cradling me in comfort and consolation. There was no signature on the note or any indication of who had tucked it there.

As I sat down at my desk, the phone rang. I recognized the number on the caller ID as belonging to one of my residents (I work as a chaplain at a continuing care facility), and eagerly picked up the receiver. "Did you get the surprise?" the voice on the other end immediately inquired.

I should have known it was from her! Not only is she is one of the most thoughtful people I know, she is a devoted servant of Christ and always looking for ways to reach out to people. Diagnosed years before with a serious chronic illness, she has developed an intentional ministry of spreading God's love and hope to staff and residents alike. Today, when I needed a boost the most, she was there.

How did she know? It was simple, really. Even though I hadn't spoken to her for a couple of days, God had, and she'd been right there ready to listen to his voice and to respond with loving action. God used her to carry me; am I ready and willing to carry someone else?

Let us pray: Holy God, give me ears able to hear your voice and a heart willing to reach out to those you are calling me to serve. In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.

Maybe you need to feel God's arms cradling you today; I offer you this song by Casting Crowns:
Casting Crowns - Just Be Held (Official Lyric Video)
Casting Crowns - Just Be Held
(Official Lyric Video)
                                                                Chaplain Erin

820 Almshouse Road  Ivyland, PA 18974
215 357-6998