Devotion for Monday, April 6

I will instruct you and teach you the way you should go;
    I will counsel you with my eye upon you.
Psalm 32: 8

I'm praying for this pandemic to be over just as much as you are. I'm tired of worrying. I'm tired of stressing. I'm tired of having so many limitations on where I can be and who I can be with. But perhaps even more than all of that, I'm tired of finding ways to adapt the church's ministry to lockdown/quarantine/stay-at-home - take your pick of terminology, all of it means the same thing: the church is closed - no Bible studies, no worship services, no visitations, etc. What an odd time to be a pastor. What an odd time to be the Church!

But, you know, sometimes you need a little push (in this case, it's more like a forceful shove!) to help you break out of your comfort zone and realize that God has no limitations. God is alive, active, and working in our lives despite Coronavirus or maybe even BECAUSE of Coronavirus - always attempting to do a new thing, always trying to teach us His ways, always nudging us forward to show us that nothing is impossible with God.

So what new thing are you learning through this ordeal? I'm learning LOTS of new things. I'm learning how to use Zoom for Bible studies and meetings. I'm learning how to not lose my composure when preaching to an empty sanctuary and a set of cameras. I'm learning to think outside the box regarding how to keep a congregation engaged during a time when they truly can't be engaged.

But all that is just the tip of the iceberg, isn't it? The real lessons to be learned are things that are far deeper. It's learning to trust God when you're out of options; it's learning to have patience and grace when all you want to do is scream; it's learning to realize you are never alone even when it seems that way; it's learning to try new ways of doing things and not being afraid of failure. It's all of that and much more.

Thank goodness for the God who is always waiting to teach us a new thing.

                                                                  Pastor Janice

Let's pray: Counselor God, help us to remember that you are always here with us, even in difficult times - and perhaps especially in difficult times. You always reach out to us with your strength and guidance, always ready and willing to help us let go of our old ways so that we can learn your ways. Thank you for your many blessings. In Christ's name. Amen.

820 Almshouse Road  Ivyland, PA 18974
215 357-6998