Devotion for Thursday, July 2
I shall never believe that God
plays dice with the world.
- Albert Einstein
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who are called according to His purpose.
Romans 8:28
Squire Rushnell may not be a name familiar to you. He was an executive for ABC and was the person credited with leading Good Morning America to its number one spot in morning TV. He is also well known for his book When God Winks.In his book he asks that if we were God and wanted to communicate with human beings how would we do it? His answer was we would create little miracles that cause humans to say, "What's the chance of that ever happening?" Those are GOD WINKS! I'm sure that each and every one of us can think back to a time in our lives when what seemed like a little miracle was God's hand reaching down and giving us a reassuring wink. I remember an incident that happened to a dear friend of mine that began her adventure into looking for Godwinks.
Joan Fattorini and I became fast friends in 1968 when we both started teaching at the same school, and remained friends until her passing in 2017. Her son, Marco, lives in Virginia and Joan would make the trip down I-95 alone to visit with him. One Sunday evening she was on her way home, and shortly after she started out realized she had a flat tire. Traffic was heavy , but she carefully pulled over and parked on the shoulder. While digging through her purse looking for her phone, she was unaware a car had also pulled over in front of her. A young man dressed in jeans, a t-shirt, with long hair and tattoos stepped out of the car. Joan's heart started pounding but she slowly and fearfully rolled down her window. He calmly asked if he could help. Not knowing what to say, she decided to accept his help. In a few minutes he had completed the job and turned to leave. She thanked him profusely feeling ashamed that his appearance had almost turned her away. As he turned toward his car, he looked back at her and said, " Remember God loves you." That was Joan's first real Godwink. From that point on we frequently talked about Godwinks and how they fill our lives. We realized that the deeper our connection to God, the more we see him working in our lives.
Start keeping track. You will be amazed at how present God is in your life. He may not appear the way you expected,but His grace is unending. How great is our God!
The following was the closing to a commencement speech given to students by Denzel Washington at Dillard University in New Orleans.
"I pray that you put your slippers under your bed tonight so that when you wake up in the morning you have to get on your knees to reach them. And while you're down there, say thank you. Thank you for grace, thank you for mercy, thank you for understanding, thank you for wisdom. Amen."
Barbara Schneider