Devotion for Friday, July 3, 2020

The Lord is Faithful
The Lord is righteous in all his ways
and faithful in all he does.
The Lord is near to all who call on him,
    to all who call on him in truth.
Psalm 145:17-18
I am convinced that one of the most inconvenient experiences of life is moving. Moving from one residence to another will inevitably turn one's life upside down. Plans to be made, details to confirm, contact information to change, packing to complete in a very short timeframe - and about 1000 other things - all must be done. Then 98% of those oh-so-fun activities are repeated upon arrival at the new residence. In the middle of it all, I cannot find anything. Before I know it, I find myself adamant that my inability to find my needed possessions is based on the actions of other members of my household. Other members of my household typically have, shall I say, a different perspective. Ever been there?
Experience has taught me the importance of pausing in those chaotic and often heated moments. As I step back, I usually find that I need to be very careful. Responsibilities, busyness, and the resulting stress will surface in the many inconveniences of life. Focusing on the inconvenience I am experiencing almost always sours my attitude. When that happens, my resulting actions predictably reflect my poor attitude. Fortunately, that is not my only option.
See, while we cannot control all the circumstances and situations that life throws our way, we can control how we respond to them. We can focus on the inconveniences and trials we experience, or we can focus on the faithfulness of our Lord. God is righteous and faithful in all things! Throughout the scriptures that wonderful truth is revealed. We can trust in God's faithfulness, to respond to us when we call out and to sustain us through any difficulty we encounter. Even when we find ourselves getting off track, God is near, and God is faithful. The next time you feel your stress level rising, remember that blessing. Then pause, breathe deeply, and give thanks to our Lord, who is near, and who is righteous in all his ways and faithful in all he does.
Prayer: Dear God, thank you for your faithfulness, and for your assurance that you draw near to those who call on you in truth. Help me to remember your faithfulness when the world seems overwhelming. Amen.
                                                                 Pastor Brad 
820 Almshouse Road  Ivyland, PA 18974
215 357-6998