Devotion for Monday, July 6
Hebrews 13:7-9a Common English Bible
Remember your leaders who spoke God's word to you.
Imitate their faith as you consider the way their lives turned out. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.Don't be misled by the many strange teachings out there.
It's a good thing for the heart to be strengthened by grace.
Recently I came across this statement: "It is those things that are unchanging that allow us to make sense of change. So, at a time when change has never been more constant and intense, what is now unchanging is more valuable than ever." As we age, change seems almost like an attack. The generation that was reading comic strips about Dick Tracy and his telecommunicating watch have Apple watches on their wrists. We watched amazed at the beginning of space exploration. We still have trouble navigating on the computer at times. We wake up to a virus pandemic. We watch crowds demonstrating for racial equality and remember that we saw it once before. Every day brings change that threatens our security and sanity.
Then I listen to this song by Andre Crouch, "
Through it all, through it all, I've learned to trust in Jesus, I've learned to trust in God.Through it all, through it all, I've learned to depend upon His Word."
This helps me to put change in perspective. What is unchanging really is more valuable than ever. When I feel unrest that threatens to knock me off balance, I lean on the unchanging Word of God, I trust in the wonderful grace of Jesus, I listen for the whispers of the Holy Spirit and I press on in the hope of the family of God.
Dear Lord, we praise you for your unchanging power to keep us safe, to keep us close to you, and to give us the unending love to share with all of your creation. In the strength of Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.
Sue Uzelmeier