Devotion for Friday, June 12
And he said to them, "Follow me, and I will make you fish for people.
Matthew 4:19
Let me start by saying that my mother-in-law was a really good cook. I will never be able to cook like she did - no matter how hard I try. I inherited her cooking notebooks and tried many times to duplicate her recipes but - no luck. When she was living with us I tried to learn how to make her wonderful pie crust. I watched her carefully, pen and paper in hand - but that didn't work either. I would ask, "How much of that did you put in?" and she would say things like, "just a dab" or "just until it feels right" - Ugh! Her notebooks were full of phrases like that. But the one I like the best was, "bake it in a hot oven until it's done". So... how hot is hot!! And how do I know it's done? She knew!!! Her years of experience and her interaction with the food - the way it looked, felt, smelled, and tasted - produced amazing results.
As a follower of Jesus, we often prefer a quick recipe for living our lives with Him. Something like...mix a third of a cup of service with a third of a cup of worship, stir, and simmer with exactly two ounces of love. Instead, Jesus asks us to have a relationship with Him - much more time consuming. Following in His steps doesn't involve a checklist. True discipleship requires interacting with Him constantly-remembering His teaching, listening for His direction, opening our eyes to where He is at work in our lives.
Just as Mom adjusted her recipes from time to time, Jesus asks us to adjust our activities, and change course when necessary - all to bring out the best flavors in our lives. The basic ingredients don't change - biblical truth is constant. But as Jesus meets us where we are, He shows us new ways to apply those truths as we follow Him.
Let us pray: Loving God, we want to be fishers of men for you. Help us to be willing to follow your directions and adjust our life recipes so that the results will bring glory to Your name. Amen.
Pastor Ruth