Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
And do not lean on your own understanding.
Proverbs 3:5
"What do you want to be when you grow up?" It's a question that adults have asked children for generations. When we ask a child this question, we assume that as children grow older, they will mature. As they mature, children will get smarter and then will be ready for the job of their dreams. We encourage children of all ages to "grow up" because we think that is what's best for them.
When it comes to matters of faith, "Grow up!" is not the Lord's wish for us. In fact, Jesus advises just the opposite:
I tell you the truth, unless you turn from your sins
and become like little children,
you will never get into the Kingdom of Heaven.
Matthew 18:2 NLT
Now, just let me be clear - Jesus wasn't encouraging immature behavior. There is a difference between being
childlike and being
childish. Jesus wasn't recommending that we stay forever dependent on others. What He was encouraging was a simple, childlike faith. This kind of faith trusts the Father without question. This kind of faith rests in peace in the One who knows what's best for us. We believe that He will bring good out of even the worst of circumstances.
Many times we resent it when our plans are interrupted. When bad things happen - like Coronavirus - we may shake our fist at God in anger and frustration. We may even act like a small, spoiled child, stamping our feet at not getting our own way.
When we can't answer the why or don't understand the ways of God, we can always trust His wisdom.
When we attempt to figure out why God does the things He does or why He seemingly refuses to act when we think He should, His Holy Spirit reminds us of the simple truth - God loves us. Always and forever, we are His children.
Let us pray:
Father, help us trust in You. Especially now, during this pandemic, when we don't know what the future holds. Help us to always remember that You love us more than we can ever imagine. Amen.
Pastor Ruth