Devotion for Wednesday, June 3

God decided in advance to adopt us into his own family
by bringing us to himself through Jesus Christ.
This is what he wanted to do,
and it gave him great pleasure.
Ephesians 1:5
Little bundle of joy. That's what her new Mother and Father called her. They had waited so long to hold her in their arms. With love and pride they watched her sleep. Breathe in...So precious! Breathe're loved! Breathe in...What joy! Breathe out...You're ours!
Adoption takes determination and planning, but most of all adoption takes love - the kind of love that doesn't give up. It's a love that keeps moving forward, no matter the cost.
Our heavenly Father approached our own adoption into His family with the same determination and genuine love! Our passage from Ephesians tells of our Father's plan. It's amazing! Why would God want to adopt us? We have nothing to offer a holy God. We are,
by our nature, self-centered and rebellious - not exactly a glowing recommendation!
And yet, our Father's determination and love caused Him to complete our adoption. Even though it came at a very high price:
Christ has rescued us from the curse pronounced by the law.
When he was hung on the cross, he took upon himself
the curse for our wrongdoing. For it is written in
The Scriptures, "Cursed is everyone who is hung on a tree."
Galatians 3:13
Was our adoption worth it? Jesus thinks so. And it's what our adoptive Father wanted to do. In fact, bringing us into His forever family gave God our Father great pleasure! Just imagine - when we were made part of that family, God smiled! He smiled over us with great joy.
Even now, he watches over us.
Breathe in..."You're so precious to me!"
Breathe out... "I love you!"
Breathe in..." "I'm so happy!"
God says, "You're mine!"
Let us pray: Dear God, how can we thank you for making us part of your very own family? We are so grateful for Your love! Help us to think, speak, and act as Your dearly loved and adopted children. Amen.
Pastor Ruth  
820 Almshouse Road  Ivyland, PA 18974
215 357-6998