Devotion for Tuesday, June 9
"Let everyone see that you are considerate in all you do...;
Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely,
and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy or praise."
Phil. 4: 5+8
What would the world be like if everyone lived according to these Scripture verses? Many people, from ancient to contemporary writers have espoused the idea, "what you think is what you become." When I had a classroom, I had a poster of "What you think is what you will become" in a prominent location. It challenged students to examine what they were choosing to spend their time thinking about. There is scientific research to support this idea as valid. When people spend their time thinking about positive, uplifting qualities, they can make a positive change for good in themselves and the people around them.
Some people like to negatively focus on the many problems in this world. We can focus on ways to make positive changes. We are called to love and serve others; to care and help others. The goal is to work toward making this world a better place. D. L. Moody wrote, "He does the most for God's great world who does the best in his own little world". If every person tried to make his or her "own little world" better, it would make the whole world better.
How can it be done? Gently helping someone we know to think about things that are: true, honorable, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent and worthy of praise is a good way. Just keeping topics that reflect these traits in day-to-day conversation makes those thoughts occur. Then, those thoughts encourage a more loving attitude toward people around us. As a result, we can be better able to "let everyone see that (we) are considerate in all (we) do."
Let us pray:
Heavenly Father,
Help us to keep positive thoughts whenever we think and talk about the many problems in this world. Help us to be the person who provides the uplifting words that someone needs to hear. Bless us with Your grace to make it happen. Amen
Denise Clark
Christ Servant Minister