"You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.
I will be found by you," declares the Lord..."
Jeremiah 29: 13-14a
My new home is located in a community named Bear Creek Lakes. In case you are wondering why a name like that was chosen, yes - there is a lake and yes - there are bears. In fact, bear sightings are one of the most sought-after activities in the community. If you look at any of Bear Creek Lake's facebook pages, you'll see a multitude of photos and videos. There is someone's video of a mama bear waiting very patiently on the ground while her three cute little cubs climb down a tree and run to her. There is a video of a rather large bear who climbed up onto someone's second floor deck - the homeowner simply opened a window and told the bear to "GIT" and he calmly climbed down the stairs. To make a long story short, bear sightings are prized by everyone in the community. People look forward to the possibility of having a visit from a bear and are always comparing notes and trying to predict when and where they might be lucky enough to see one.
This, of course, is a rather odd analogy, but the thought occurred to me that there is an awful lot of time, energy, excitement, and enthusiasm being poured into the desire to have an encounter (albeit not a
encounter) with a black bear. And, to be honest, I love to see them too, even though I haven't seen one on my property yet this year. But what if people put this kind of energy and enthusiasm into having an encounter with the living God? What if we got up every morning and just couldn't WAIT to experience God's presence? What if we were constantly looking around and trying to see God in nature, in our interactions with other people, and in the still, small whispers of guidance throughout the day? And what if we make an effort to always tell our friends and acquaintances about the amazing ways that God has made Himself known to us?
Perhaps we can let go of some of our stress and worry about the ongoing pandemic and instead find some time to seek God's presence. It might make all the difference.
Pastor Janice
Prayer: Lord, remind me today that you are always seeking me and always hoping I will open my eyes and my heart to better see your presence. Help me to not be so distracted that I miss the wonderful things you are doing in my life. In Christ's name, Amen.