Devotion for Friday, May 22
Isaiah 41:10
So do not be afraid. I am with you. Do not be terrified. I am your God. I will make you strong and help you. I will hold you safe in my hands. I always do what is right.
We Are Not Alone!
"Misery loves company!" this seems to be a basic reality. We are faced with many things throughout our lives from health issues to natural disasters to job loss and the virus; the first words in this scripture are
do not be afraid?
We all go through times in which we feel all alone. You see, we are not alone. We are never alone. We look to Him and hold tight to the blessing of His presence because out of His presence more blessings will flow.
When we want to get stronger, what do we do? We start to work out and we keep at it until we accomplish that. God is telling us that He will make us strong and so in order to do that we must keep our trust in Him, for as long as it takes. We need God's strength for when storms come our way because God will use the bad things that benefit us that will build our character; all we need to do is keep our trust in Him and accept the help that He offers. His presence guarantees His strength so that we can endure all trials that may come our way. When we convince ourselves that we have His presence, we will also have His strength.
When we become overwhelmed with life or if life throws us a curveball, the first thing we do is want to be alone. God doesn't ever make a promise that he cannot keep. He lets us know to never fear or be dismayed because He is with us always and that He is GOD!
God has no limits and is ever present to help when we have reached the end of our ropes. If we lose all of our strength, when we fall and have no might to raise ourselves up, our loving God reaches down and lifts us.
As long as we confidently know that God is with us, child of God, we can proclaim, "I am not afraid; my God is ever with me! I am anxious for nothing; the Lord is my God!" Amen
Ever-loving God, help us to always remember whose we are and to know that as long as you are God, that we will know we are loved; never alone and that when we fall, you will forever be there to pull us back up!
David Bigam, Director of Children and Youth Ministries