Since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic when we had to suspend in-person worship, St. John’s staff and members of our church family have been providing daily devotions to keep us connected. It is our prayer that these devotions have been a blessing to you during this time of isolation. As we are slowly trying to resume in-person worship, we want to continue to provide opportunities to connect with our congregation. However, we will not continue to provide a daily devotion.
Each Sunday we will have our worship service in-person in the Sanctuary; and we will make it available online as well. Then on Tuesday of each week there will be a devotion sent out by email. This devotion will also be posted on our website. On Thursday Pastor Brad will include a devotion/meditation in our Cornerstone newsletter. In addition, the Upper Room Daily Devotional is available in a container on the front porch of the church, and we have also provided a list of resources for further devotional reading on our website under “Daily Devotionals”.
We appreciate those who have faithfully contributed devotions so that we could stay connected during this difficult time. If you feel that God is calling you to be a part of this mission of St. John’s, please contact the church office or email me at outreachstjohns@yahoo.com . We hope to continue providing these devotions on this new schedule for the foreseeable future and we welcome your participation.
Please pray for St. John’s as we continue to work toward the time when we can all be together in worship again.
                                                                                     Pastor Ruth
St. John's Ivyland
820 Almshouse Road, Ivyland, PA 18974
Rev. Brad Leight, Pastor