St. Francis of Assisi painting by Sr. Nancy Earle

Painting by Sr. Nancy Earle

Richard’s Daily Meditations

Seven Underlying Themes
of Richard Rohr’s Teachings

Third Theme: There is only one Reality. Any distinction between natural and supernatural, sacred and profane, is a bogus one (Frame).

Patriotism As the False Sacred

Meditation 15 of 49

“Jesus is Lord” (Romans 10:9) was proclaimed by the early church, as their most concise creedal statement. No one ever told me this was a political and subversive statement, until I learned a bit of Bible history. To say “Jesus is Lord!” was testing and provoking the Roman pledge of allegiance that every Roman citizen had to proclaim when they raised their hand to the imperial insignia and shouted, “Caesar is Lord!” Early Christians were quite aware that their “citizenship” was in a new universal kingdom, announced by Jesus (Philippians 3:20), and that the kingdoms of this world were not their primary loyalty systems. How did we manage to lose that? And what price have we paid for it?

Jesus showed no undue loyalty either to his Jewish religion nor to his Roman-occupied Jewish country; instead, he radically critiqued both of them, and in that he revealed and warned against the idolatrous relationships that most people have with their country and their religion. It has allowed us to justify violence in almost every form and to ignore much of the central teaching of Jesus.

Adapted from Spiral of Violence: The World, the Flesh, and the Devil (CD, MP3)


Falling Upward:
book + companion journal

Falling Upward book + companion journal

In Falling Upward: A Spirituality for the Two Halves of Life, Fr. Richard Rohr invites us to take the further journey to true maturity. The companion journal offers gentle guidance of a spiritual director, full of questions and listening silence, for the second half of life—letting go and falling into Grace.

Have a conversation with your soul: “If you have never allowed yourself to fall or perceived you were never allowed to fall, what impact do you think that is having on your life?” (from the Falling Upward Companion Journal)

Order the book and journal today from CAC’s online bookstore!
For a limited time save $10 when you purchase the pair.

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