Today's Scripture Reflection
Edyta Cousens, Communications Assistant
When his parents saw him, they were astonished. His mother said to him, “Son, why have you treated us like this? Your father and I have been anxiously searching for you.” “Why were you searching for me?” he asked. “Didn’t you know I had to be in my Father’s house?”
Luke 2:48-49

After the incident of “getting lost” in the Temple and causing his parents distress, Jesus reportedly led an obedient childhood. Wouldn't that be any parent's delight?! What is remarkable about this story is that he shows at such young age the passion and drive to pursue something independently, from the core of his being.

In life’s twists and turns, discerning God’s will isn’t always a clear-cut picture. Even if we receive an inner nudging of GRACE – the feeling that we MUST be doing something – it’s easy enough to get swayed by distractions and doubts.

Getting lost is a profoundly human and universal theme. There are those good feelings of getting lost, such as: lost in wonder, lost in contemplation of nature and art, lost in admiration, or even lost in love! And then there are those times we get lost in pain, confusion, betrayal, rage.

Jesus unraveled his public mission in a manifestation of events both human and divine. He would still “get lost,” when venturing into the desert and facing all those temptations. He often tested his disciples’ stamina, by disappearing on them to seek solitude with his Father. Finally, the great Passion was a culmination of Christ’s mission, predestined and already planted in his childhood. From a human point of view, the body was lost in agony on the Cross, and even his mind seemed disoriented: “Eli Eli Lama Sabachthani?”

What we learn from our Master and friend, is that we should seek spiritual wisdom in those times that are too overwhelming to bear. We should attempt to remain in constant communication with the Father, especially when times get tough – through the daily study of Scripture, and meditation on it. Finally, as Saints through the ages have shown us: let us lift our daily struggles in prayer and join our sufferings, aches, and pains with the One, the Christ who endured it all.   

God bless you!
An Image to Inspire
Let Us Pray
St. Therese
Faithful Jesus, You are always with us. We need the healing touch of Your presence. Sometimes we feel abandoned and lost – abandoned by unfulfilled dreams and evasive possibilities. Our passion is gone – darkness and emptiness permeate our spirits. People disappoint or disappear. The energy that fired my enthusiasm seems diminished in cool ashes. Lord Jesus, help us to reach out to You in expectant faith and hungry hope. Burn out of us all the attachments which we deify and allow to define us. Embrace us, Faithful Jesus, even amid the dark emptiness and lonely abandonment which engulfs us! Heal us with faith and hope. Amen.
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