Daily Positives
Welcome to Being-Well Daily Positive Messages with LACOE.

Being-Well is an initiative to support the mental and physical well-being of employees.
"Daily Positives" was developed by a multidisciplinary team to share daily messages of positivity and inspiration during this difficult time of uncertainty and to foster connection and community among all employees.
Making Lemonade
Happy Tuesday!

As the saying goes – when life gives you lemons, make lemonade.   
The practice of flipping the negative into positive is an important skill, especially more now than ever.

According to research, people say around 25 negative things to themselves in a span of three hours. So, on an average, we say one bad thing to ourselves every seven minutes. That is so potentially harmful to us. Our thoughts are powerful and our thoughts influence our actions. Negative thoughts influence your mood, your decisions and even your neurobiology. Every time you have a negative thought your brain releases neurotransmitters and hormones that prepare your body and mind to respond to that (imaginary) situation – by blushing, stumbling, running off or making a self-deprecating joke. 
So today, we are going to not only encourage you to take lemons and make lemonade figuratively, but also literally! A cup of ice cold lemonade can refresh the soul during a hot day, and the metaphorical act of taking lemons and turning them into lemonade helps our soul know that we can triumph over adversity and that we can redeem some good from every situation. 

In therapeutic terms, this is called Cognitive Reframing . Reframing is a technique used in  therapy  to help create a different way of looking at a situation, person, or relationship by changing its meaning.
So now on to making some lemonade!

Here are a variety of different versions of lemonade to enjoy:
Click here to view.
Resources to Change Negative Thoughts
Click here to read The Health Sessions article "The Beginner's Guide to Changing Your Negative Thoughts"
Click here to read Forbes article "Glass Half Empty? Here's How to Flip Your Thinking"
Lemonade Cheers to All! 

We hope you have a nice day!
Thank you for your contribution to Being-Well Daily Positives:
Jennifer Kottke, Student Support Services, LACOE
Content for "Daily Positives" is provided by departments and employees that would like to contribute to share positive messages and information for the purposes of inspiration, motivation, and the sharing of hope, health, and wellness.

If you would like to contribute something,
please share your information to: