Daily Positives
Welcome to Being-Well Daily Positive Messages with LACOE.

Being-Well is an initiative to support the mental and physical well-being of employees.
"Daily Positives" was developed by a multidisciplinary team to share daily messages of positivity and inspiration during this difficult time of uncertainty and to foster connection and community among all employees.
HOPE for Change

In the wake of difficult times, HOPE  is a VERB that we need to practice daily – especially now, more than ever. 

We need to exercise our  HOPE  muscles to stay in shape. 
HOPE  is a noun, but is also a verb – it is something we can do.   
And  HOPE  is important – even critical to our wellbeing. 
HOPE  is defined as something that pushes us to want a better outcome. The verb of  HOPE  comes into place when we intentionally take steps to make that better outcome happen. 
HOPE is part of our self-narrative and helps us defines our future.   
HOPE   can combat the fear we might be internalizing from the world around us. Practicing  HOPE  can be the action that has power over fear. 
HOPE  can help us with our anxiety, which may immobilize us from action, by allowing our natural capacity of joy. Practicing  HOPE   can help us focus on the positive things that are going on around us every day. 
HOPE  makes present difficulties much easier to bear. As Dr. Judith Rich writes, “ HOPE  is a match in a dark tunnel, a moment of light, just enough to reveal the path ahead and ultimately the way out”.   
HOPE  also helps us build resilience and  HOPE  as a resilience practice is like being a gardener. Gardeners sow the earth knowing that some things will grow and some will flounder. They repeatedly begin again and re-sow, knowing that the wind, rain and sun can be nurturing friends or destructive foes. In the garden, there is both   HOPE  and its shadow.  HOPE  is open to the possible and deeply feels the moment of beginning anew. 
So, let’s practice our  HOPE   muscle today: 
  • Know what you want. Be able to articulate it.   
  • Visualize your HOPE. Where do you want to go from here? What does each step look like?  
  • What we HOPE for doesn’t usually come flying through our front door. Reflect on what YOU have to do to achieve your desired outcome.   
  • See change as part of the process. Practicing HOPE is about continuing along a path that will lead to change even though we might not know the outcome.   
  • Surround yourself with HOPEful people – especially during difficult times.  HOPEful people rub off their HOPE onto others.  And this is a good thing to embody right now. 
  • Being  HOPEful is about acknowledging, validating, and growing from very difficult and dark times. HOPEful actions can lead to systemic growth and positive change.
More Ways To Connect With HOPE 
Psychology Today:
The Will and Ways of Hope
Psychology Today's article talks about HOPE  as being more than a feel-good emotion, but a dynamic cognitive motivational system. 
HOPE  is a self-investment and a great way to show self-care, so make  HOPE  a verb today! 
Happy Hoping!
Thank you for your contribution to Being-Well Daily Positives:
Jennifer Kottke, Student Support Services, LACOE
Content for "Daily Positives" is provided by departments and employees that would like to contribute to share positive messages and information for the purposes of inspiration, motivation, and the sharing of hope, health, and wellness.

If you would like to contribute something,
please share your information to: