Prosperity [captivity]: Advance or gain in anything good or desirable; successful progress in any business or enterprise; success; attainment of the object desired; as the prosperity of arts; agricultural or commercial prosperity; national prosperity Our disposition to abuse the blessings of providence renders prosperity dangerous.
Hebrew: shebuwth [sheb-eeth’]: captivity [31], captives [1], variant [1]: or shebiyth, sheb-eeth'; from (shabah); exile; concrete prisoners; figurative a former state of prosperity: - captive (-ity). Strong's Talking Greek & Hebrew Dictionary.
Christ is coming for a glorious church without spot or wrinkle. In simplicity, He wants the church to be Totally restored. Nothing missing, nothing broken, nothing left out. It is time for the Body of Christ to reclaim the goods that the devil has stolen. Every penny, dollar, lost opportunity, investment, and anything that has been stolen from you from the day you were born again and to this day. If the world can reclaim its losses, how much more the Body of Christ. How much can we do with the Commander and Chief of the Army of the Universe fighting for our benefit. He backs up what He promises, and He calls heaven and earth to record and declares it so. He simply needs us to get in agreement with Him, not the other way around, so that He is empowered to go to work for us for our benefit. He wants His children restored to wholeness and completeness, nothing missing, nothing broken, but total and all inclusive.
There are two major functions that the whole world is striving for, including the Christians: Health and Wealth. The body of Christ needs restoration in both; and now is the time for the Goodness of God to shine in our lives. This will get more people looking to Christ than any other thing. The World is looking for a Savior [Restorer] and they are looking hard. They will find something, but it must be real. I once heard a Jewish convert say that the reason for so few converts in the Jewish nation is because they are familiar with miracles and the supernatural of God. They studied it in the Old Covenant, but they don’t see it in the Christian churches. Therefore, they lack confidence that the Christian church is real.
Let’s get going. Let’s start focusing on the matters at hand. Anybody can go to the doctors and get what they have to offer, but at some point, their abilities fall short. There is nothing wrong with doctors, but a doctor was not involved with the man with the withered hand. That was all Jesus, and He does not win a few, lose a few. He is more than a conqueror and He always triumphs. Wouldn’t it be wise for us to get close to Him. To prove Him in this sayeth the Lord of Hosts, if He will not open the windows of Heaven and pour out a blessing that there is not room to contain. We need a touch from Heaven, we simply need to believe.