Merry Christmas!
“For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior,
which is Christ the Lord.”
Luke 2:11, KJV
One sentence that changed the world. Nineteen words that changed the relationship between God and His creation. For unto you is born… a Savior. I don’t know how you read the phrase, “For unto you,” but, for me, it makes the birth of Jesus so very, very personal. God sent Jesus for me, to redeem my life. And He did the same for you.
Today, throughout the world, God’s children gather in homes and in houses of worship. Young and old, rich and poor, people in every nation pause to worship and to reflect on the incredible gift of love and grace that the author of life has given to His often rebellious and recalcitrant children. You probably know the line from John 3:16 by heart, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son...”
So remember, when the ribbons and wrapping paper have been disposed and when the season greeting cards are ashes in the fireplace or on their way to the landfill, today is about the revelation of God’s love for you and for me: love that took on flesh and came to live among us; love that was not a stranger to our humanity, but embraced it fully; love that knew no sin, but was rejected and crucified for you and for me. Today, we remember that Great Love that was born into our world.
May God bless you and keep you and, when all of the presents are no longer shiny and new, when the family has dispersed to the four corners of the state or nation or globe, remember: God loves you and you are incredibly precious in His sight.
Merry Christmas!