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In my office at home, I have a picture of Winston Churchill, one of his most famous, sitting in an arm chair with a cigar in his right hand. As I sit at my desk, it appears that he is looking at me. Under that picture, I have a framed hand written letter from him sent to my mother and me in answer to a letter we had sent him about how sorry we were that he lost the election to continue to be Prime Minister in 1945.

Churchill is certainly a hero of mine having grown up in London during WWII and having seen him on more than one occasion. Why is this relevant? Because I believe it is important to have a figures to whom we can look up: heroes to encourage us. Churchill encourages me as I see his faith in God and the strength in the English people to help win the war.
There are figures in the Bible who are spiritual “heroes” for us-people who showed in their lives inspiring faith and trust in God. Many are names in what we call the "the Hall of Heroes" in Hebrews 11. It says in Hebrews 11:1-2, "Only faith can guarantee the blessings that we hope for, or prove the existence of the realities that at present remain unseen. It was for faith that our ancestors were commended."
It was by faith that Noah built the Ark to save his family and a lot of animals.
It was by faith that Abraham obeyed God and set off for a new country without a map.
It was by faith that Abraham, when put to the test, offered up his son Isaac as a sacrifice.

It was by faith that Moses left Egypt and was not afraid of Pharaoh's anger, and then led his people across the wilderness to the promised land.
Moses is one of my spiritual heroes. He was the greatest defense attorney who ever lived. He went up against God when God wanted to destroy his people because of their lack of faith and constant complaining. Moses said, "No you can not do that. You brought them out here and you need to look after them." And he won because God relented and changed His mind (Numbers 11:1-3 and 14:10-20).
Who are your heroes of faith, men and women who inspire you to press onwards? How is God calling you to learn from them today?
The Rev. Nicolas (Nick) R.D. Dyke
Pastoral Associate
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