It Was a Wonderful Easter

It was a wonderful Easter! The Church was full. The Rev. Dr. Russell J. Levenson, Jr. delivered a great sermon. We were joyfully surrounded by lilies that even Solomon in all his glory could not have matched. We sang and listened to wonderful music and praised God for the blessings He has once again bestowed upon us. It was exhilarating!

Now that it has been a little over a month since that glorious day, do you still feel the excitement? After the rejoicing has ended, you might find yourself once again faced with a rough and brutal world. And it is indeed a tough world. You and I are up against some cruel and heartless enemies — and one of the worst is the enemy inside us — our own sin.

The Easter proclamation is that Jesus came into the world to save us from ourselves. If we are really honest, we admit that we are not perfect and “fall short of the glory of God.” (Romans 3:23 RSV) That is what sin is. It is not merely breaking spiritual rules. Sin is missing the mark. Sin is a separation from God. Our sin has locked us in a dark place and we cannot find our way out. What we need is a victorious, caring power greater than ourselves to show us the way.

That is what Jesus has done. He who had no sin came into the darkness of sin to find us and bring us out into the marvelous light of God’s presence.

We are still in the Easter season. We are still affirming that God in Christ has forgiven us, led us out of darkness and restored us to a right relationship with Him. Jesus said it this way, “In my father’s house are many rooms ... and I will come again and will take you to myself that where I am you may be also.” (John 14:2-3 RSV)

O God, who through the mighty resurrection of thy Son Jesus Christ hast delivered us from the power of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of thy light: Grant that as he was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, so we might walk in the light and not stumble, seeking those things that are above, where with thee, O Father, and the Holy Spirit, he lives and reigns for ever and ever. AMEN. (Adapted from “Prayers for Every Occasion,” edited by Frank Colquhoun, #300, p.82, Morehouse-Barlow Co. New York, NY)
The Rev. John R. Bentley, Jr.
Pastoral Associate
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