Community of Believers
In her book, "The Preaching Life," Barbara Brown Taylor says, “Worship is the ongoing practice of faith, and not only the practice but the actual experience of it. Whether it takes place around a kitchen table or the carved marble altar of a great cathedral, worship is how the people of God practice their reliance on their Lord.”[1]
It is during worship that we pray; we listen for God’s word. We express our praise and devotion. During this past two years, we have all used different mediums for our worship and some have continued with something other than physically being in the church. For many, the livestream service has become the go-to service. It may be for several reasons: physical inability to come in person, continued worry about the coronavirus, poor health and convenience.
When we lived in Australia, my friend Carol found that she could only really talk to God sitting alone by her swimming pool. She was on the Vestry, was secretary of the church, in church every Sunday and was always around to help anyone, but she needed a one-on-one with God by the pool. She maintained that was her real worship time.
“Do not be afraid” is a phrase used in the Bible hundreds of times. Most want the community of believers around them for support, others want the stillness and quiet of being alone. We miss those of you who we have not seen for more than two years in the church. We want those of you who are able back with us for the selfish reason that it makes our worship complete.
“Worship the Lord with gladness; come into his presence with singing.” Psalm 100:2
[1] Barbara Brown Taylor, "The Preaching Life" (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc., 1993), 68.