It’s Not About You!
“In his hand is the life of every living thing
and the breath of every human being.”
Job 12:10
Several years ago, I saw this great bumper sticker on the back of a car that read, “I wish Morgan Freeman was the narrator of my life.” This got me to thinking, who is the narrator and director of my life? Do I strive to listen for God’s voice or do I constantly pursue my own? Do I remember that it’s not really my life at all? Instead, it is a precious gift from God of which I am a part–something much larger than myself.
Pastor Rick Warren, in his well-known book A Purpose Driven Life, wrote, “It’s not about you.” In other words, God has a plan for His kingdom and we are part of that kingdom—but we’re not the only part.
There’s an old Hasidic story in which everyone is commanded to wear a coat with two pockets to receive messages from God. In one pocket, an inscription reads, “You are nothing but one of millions upon millions of grains of sand in the universe.” The message in the other pocket read, “I made the universe just for you.”
In other words, God dearly loves each one of us and desires to use us, but everything is NOT about us!
The good news is God’s story is our story and the remaining chapters of our lives are yet to be written. God’s plan for your life is not set in stone. You and I have the chance every day to invite God to help shape the story of our lives and become the people He has created us to be.
Today, with God’s grace, may we ask “God, what can I do for you?” or “How can I serve you today?” and not “What’s in it for me?”