Jesus’ first miracle in the Gospel according to John is turning water into wine at a wedding. On the surface, this miracle may seem unimportant and a bit frivolous. In fact, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been asked at parties when I’m going to start turning water into wine. Yet, like all Jesus’ miracles, this miracle is very significant and John describes it as the first of Jesus’ “signs.” A sign is meant to point to something beyond itself. The sign in the miracle of water into wine is used to point us to Jesus’ unique identity, and to show us something about who Jesus is and what God is like. Through this first sign, Jesus shows us God’s extravagant grace.
This is crucial for us to remember because we think first about scarcity, lack and fear. For example, if we have nine positive experiences and just one negative experience in a day, many of us tend to dwell upon the latter. However, grace is not just about making up for something we lack. It is not only about wiping away our sins and reconciling us with God; it is also about providing us with more than we have ever imagined or deserved.
Jesus could have provided just enough wine for the party to go on by providing the wedding guests with an inferior wine (think cheap boxed wine). Instead, He went far beyond to provide more and better wine than they ever could have expected. Why? Because that is what grace looks like.
Despite what some people believe and what the church too often makes Him look like, Jesus was no killjoy. Christianity is not this boring, lifeless religion about following a strict set of rules in order to get into heaven.
When Jesus came into the world, the rejoicing, the celebration and the party began. The good news is because of who Jesus is and what He offers us that celebration continues to this very day. Today may we receive this good news and rejoice!