Preparers of the Way


“Merciful God, who sent your messengers the prophets to preach repentance and prepare the way for our salvation: Give us grace to heed their warnings and forsake our sins, that we may greet with joy the coming of Jesus Christ our Redeemer; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.”

Collect for Second Sunday of Advent, Book of Common Prayer, pg. 211


Often, we think of Lent as a time to prepare ourselves for Easter. I am sure many of us are also reminded that Advent is a time of preparation in our hearts and minds for the arrival of Christ the King as a baby into the world. Yet, in some ways, during Lent, it is easier to do spring cleaning and remove things from our lives that take up space. In contrast, Advent involves adding more more activities, more chores and tasks and more gatherings. Of course, it is the holidays, and everything needs to be taken care of.

Maybe an opportunity during this Advent is, in the midst of the chaos of making lists and other preparations, that we add to our list an item for our hearts and minds. At the top of that shopping list for the big party or dinner, maybe we write, “take 10 minutes away from my phone and sit still and pray.” After we have trimmed down, added to and arranged that holiday invite list, what if we added as the last step to pray for them by name and for their families?


As we play the role of preparers in our holiday events or preparers of a meal, I pray that we all take the time (especially when it seems we do not have the time) to stop and pray, remembering the prophets of old who called attention to the people of their day and our own day to the needs of others.

May we offer prayers of thanksgiving for all that we have and for all that God has in store for us. Let us also remember those who have much less than they need.

The Rev. Gregory W. Cross


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