Relax and Wait to Grow


“By faith Abraham obeyed when he was called to set out for a place that he was to receive as an inheritance, and he set out, not knowing where he was going.

Hebrews 11:8


In 1971, my husband received a two-year work assignment in New York. We had been married for four months and I was teaching at the time, so he left a couple of months ahead of me. I was leaving the quiet countryside of England for the hustle and bustle of Manhattan. I had never flown before and I was to do a long-distance flight, alone. On top of all that, someone had crashed into the back of our car the week before my departure. I was leaving it for my parents to get repaired and sell. I hadn’t told Rod that news on the phone as I wanted to show him in person that I was ok. Do you think I was nervous? I had been a regular church goer since birth but, on reflection, I don’t think I really knew what faith was until I landed in New York. Noise, traffic, strange food, strange money.


Part of today’s daily lectionary is the above verse from Hebrews. Abraham left his home and travelled to a strange land. Abraham trusted that it would be better going into the unknown with God than being in the familiar without him. This is the life of faith, but we so often fight against it. We like to know what's around the corner and we want proof before stepping out. We want to choose our own way. We want a sense of security. We fear a new path. Abraham showed trust and we are called to trust in God’s guidance and to believe his promises.


I know that it is in God’s answer to our prayer that we grow. If you are unsure about what you are hearing, then talk to a close friend or a member of the Clergy to help you understand the answers and directions that you are hearing. Relax and wait patiently as God continues to help you grow.


In total, we have lived out of England for 39 years. If we had not had faith in 1971 and said yes to a move, then we would not have grown, we would not have experienced all the plans and places that God had in store for us. Have faith and know that God will lead you with love and patience to new adventures.

The Rev. Gill B. Keyworth
Deacon, Pastoral Care
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