Be Kind to One Another
“Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.”
Ephesians 4:32
Oops! How often do you get the feeling that you have forgotten something important? Then it dawns on you what you have done. Well, it happened to me today. The deadline (Feb. 20) for this Daily Word is today and I had completely forgotten to write it. So, I sent off an email apologizing and promising to get it in tomorrow, and I received a gracious email back forgiving me and giving me an extra day.
This is a simple example of challenges we may encounter throughout the day which, if ignored, can grow like topsy.
At this time of year, we hear much talk about sin and forgiveness. It is actually with us throughout the year but is a focus in Lent. Forgiveness is central to Christian ethics. The need to ask for forgiveness and to forgive is widely recognized, but people are often at a loss for how to accomplish it. So, you may put it off until later. However, failing to forgive others or self-forgiveness can have negative effects on mental health. Forgiveness lifts a burden that can grow out of proportion if left unattended.
It can lead to emotions such as guilt or regret. Offenders must first recognize that they have hurt another person and accept responsibility for their actions. It sounds easy but can be difficult to accomplish. So, we ask for forgiveness and we pray that we receive it.
The cited Bible verse challenges us to be kind and forgive others regardless of how they treat us. You can't change how someone treats you, but you can choose to respond to them with kindness.