The Shepherd’s Joy
Luke15:1-7 has been called “The Gospel within the Gospel.” The tax collectors and sinners were approaching Jesus to hear Him. The Pharisees and Scribes were murmuring, “This man welcomes sinners and eats with them.” Jesus said to them, “Who has a hundred sheep, who has lost one of them, does not leave the 99 in the wilderness and go after the one that is lost until he finds it? And when he finds it, rejoices and has others rejoicing with him saying, ‘Rejoice with me because I have found my sheep which was lost.’ I tell you that just so there will be joy in Heaven over one sinner who repents.”
The fact that Jesus would share His life with all types of men and women gives us all hope because, as He tells us elsewhere in Scripture, He came to save sinners and even those who are lost.
As in the story from Luke 15, our Lord takes delight in the 99 virtuous people and gives them the reassurance of His love and care but is also willing and able to search for the lost soul. In that sense, He is like a good shepherd.
I think there are times when even the best and strongest of people feel a little like a lost sheep in need of help. That is only natural. We may feel a little guilty because of feelings and desires and, at times like that, we can feel lost since we did not behave or think according to our own standards and rules. It is at times like this that our Lord reaches out in love and compassion to guide and direct us.
When a sheep gets lost, it does not pay attention to where it is going. It just goes from one juicy patch of grass to the next until it can’t find its way back. Regardless of where you are going from one area to the next in your life, you are never lost from the love of our Lord. It is because of this love that there is such rejoicing when a single lost soul is found and is returned to the flock
The words of Luke 15 are some of the most comfortable words in the Bible because we are all sinners, yet our Lord dines with us. At some time in our lives, we have felt lost, yet we were found, loved, protected and forgiven.
During this time of Advent, as we prepare for the Christ Child to enter our lives, know that He will ultimately become the Good Shepherd for each of us.
May our Lord bless, guide and direct you and keep you in the palm of His hand. And I ask God’s blessings on every one of you at this most wonderful time of the year.